10 LED Flasher
This instructable will show you how to make a super simple LED flasher. I was thinking about a mod where you could wire this up to an alarm circuit, and it would flash and make noise. If anyone figures it out, send me a PM or leave a comment.
Gather the parts you need.
Insert the 555 Timer Into the Breadboard
Connect Pin 7 to +6V
Connect Pin 7 to Pin 2 With the 10 K Resistor.
Connect Pin 6 and Pin 2
Use a Jumper Wire.
Connect Pin 2 to Ground With the 10 UF Cap.
This capacitor is polarized, so be sure to connect the longer pin to pin 2.
Connect Pins 4+8
Use a Jumper Wire. Once you connect them, connect pin 8 to +6V.
Connect the + and - LED Terminals in Parallel
Connect positive to positive, and negative to negative.
Connect the - Side of the LED's to Pin 3 and the + Side to +6V.
Connect the + Side of the LED's to the Positive Terminal on the Buzzer, and the - Side to the - Terminal of the Buzzer.
Use a Jumper Wire.
Connect Pin 1 to Ground.
Switch It on and See What Happens!
The LED's and the buzzer should switch on and off. If not, then check the circuit. Go through all the steps again and check your wiring.