2 Hug Mugs >l<
Learn a simple way to hand-build a ceramic mug that looks like a hug.
Roll Out the Bottom
Roll out clay into 4 inch x 1/4 inch thick (roughly) circle. Any clay body will work, it depends on your preference. Clay shown here is Cone 6 B-Mix colored with French Green mason stain (more on that here - http://www.axner.com/mason-stains.aspx)
Drape Over 1/2 Cup Measuring Utensil
Drape and press over a 1/2 cup dry measuring utensil
Give It Some Love
Pinch and form edges until even wall thickness is achieved.
Trim Your Bottom
Depending how much you like your bottom to show, trim accordingly. The longer you keep the sides, the better the cups stack.
I like big butts and I cannot lie! :D
Trim with your preferred blade and canned beverage. I use an Exacto with LaCroix.
Cut a 2 Inch Long Strip
Roll out thinner at the ends
2 inch x 10 inch x 1/8 inch roughly
Score, Slip, and Roll
Use the can to roll bottom onto strip. Apply even pressure as you roll to ensure the 2 parts stick together like pals 4 eva.
Hang to Dry
Leave on can or gently place upside down on flat surface to air dry to stiff leather conistency.
Flip Over and Finish
Once firm enough to stand on their own, flip over and finish with a sponge. Choose to blend in strip or leave as a color break. Loosely cover to dry until ready for bisque fire.