3 in One Game Board
This is a chess, checkers, and othello board all in one. its pieces are all bottle caps and everything is made out of plastic.
1. 112 bottle caps
2. a plastic container ( 10 in / 10 in or more)
3. 2 bottles of your choice (preferably larger than a water bottle)
4. bubble wrap that can fit over container
5. hot glue gun/ hot glue
6. a kind of thicker plastic wrap like a amazon package
Gather all materials and get ready to start
Glue bubble wrap to container and cut any excess off
Cut container if needed down to size that you think is good
Cut off tops of bottles with scissors/ sharp knife then cut down the bottle in 2 lines that are a bit apart
Hot glue bottles to the tougher bubble wrap then cut it down to fit on the main plastic container
glue the strong bubble wrap that has the bottles on it to the main container
measure out an 8x8 of squares and draw the lines straight across the board by using a ruler or something with a straight edge
lastly for checkers you need to color 8 pieces red 8 pieces black and for the chess pieces i drew/ painted on the bottle caps which you need 32 of in all (16 for each side) the first letters of the names of the pieces except for the knight which i put Kn because of the King being a different piece.