3D Printed Robotic Arm
In this instructable I will show you how to make the robotic arm and the parts you need to build it. When coming up with a project to do for the course I choose to do a robotic arm because it was something I have always wanted to build. Since this was my first time ever working with Arduino, circuits, 3D modeling, etc... I decided to keep the robotic arm simple. I hope this instructable will also help those that are looking to build a robotic arm for the first time as well.
4 Servo Motors
12 Male to Male pins
2 Breadboards
1 Bundle of bread board jumper wires
1 IR Controller
1 IR Receiver
1 9v Power Adapter
1 220 Resistor
1 Arduino Uno R3 Board
1 9v Battery
1 DC-47P DC Series Heavy Duty Electronics Enclosure
Inventor Pro
Arduino coding software
3D Parts
There was a total of eight parts printed for this project. I designed all of the parts using inventor pro and a 3D printer at my local University. A file of the stl files are given and they can be printed in any color or material you wish.
Control System:
First Breadboard
For the control system you need take take one breadboard and connect the power and ground for all of the servos to the breadboard. Next connect the first servo to pin number 9, pin number 8 for the second servo, pin number 7 for the third servo number and pin number 6 for the fourth motor. Connect the breadboard to the 5v pin and ground pin.
Second Breadboard
The second breadboard is what is going to have the IR sensor. First, place the IR sensor in the middle (this will make sense when assembled) of the breadboard and connect it to the power and ground rail of the breadboard and then connect it to pin number 11. Connect the breadboard to the 3.3V and ground on the Arduino.
For the code, the first thing you need to do is download the IRremote.h. Once you download open up the Arduino coding software and add the files to the Arduino libraries. Next download the ServoRemote.ino and open it up in the coding software. Run and upload the software to your Arduino. For the remote you can use any type of remote you would just have to go in and change the number that corresponds with the button you pressed on your remote. More details are given in the code files. The Servo.h file is already implemented into Arduino, so there is no need to download the file.
Once you have 3D printed the parts for the claw, first take the servo and place it into the holder. Next take the second arm part and add any type of adhesive and connect the servo and the arm together. After that take the claw main and connect it to the motor. Lastly for the claw, take the last claw part and connect it to the servo holder and place a pin that goes through the hole in the servo claw and into the servo holder. Add adhesive before placing it in the hole to secure the pin.
Second and First Arm
Place another servo into the servo holder that is connected to the arm. Next connect the servo on the main arm to the second arm that holds the claw.
Turn Table
Connect a servo to the bottom of the container lid to where it sticks out. Take the cone and connect it with the servo motor and use adhesive to secure it. Next take the turn table holder and insert it into the top slot of the turn table cone. Lastly place the last servo into the turn table servo holder and connect the servo to the main arm.
Last steps:
Lastly to finish off the assembly, take the breadboard holding the IR sensor and place it in the container to where the IR sensor sticks out of the farthest hole. Place the Arduino into the container and the last breadboard as well. Thread the wires for the servo motors through the second hole and connect the cords to the servo motor, screw on the cover and your robotic arm is now complete! Enjoy your project!