3D-Printed Tapers
Want to stretch your piercings but can't justify buying new tapers for every size? Print em! This is an even easier project than the 3D-Printed Bicycle Handlebar Caps I did before. The same resources are required, a TechShop Membership and the 3D Printer SBU (Or access to a 3D Printer) as well as some sort of design software like Autodesk Inventor.
Designed and Printed at TechShop San Jose
Designed and Printed at TechShop San Jose
It couldn't be simpler.
Well it could, but this is a good way to start off.
Well it could, but this is a good way to start off.
Print It, Fool!
For this print I used skeinforge and the Thingomatic makerbot. Software is replicator G, used default settings without a raft.
And that's pretty much it! With this basic step-by-step one can create all sorts of shapes and sizes of tapers or plugs depending on your need!