3d Quilled Doll Card
Hello everyone,I am Sarah from Creative Minds.
In this instructable Iam going to show you how to make a 3d quilled doll card.
What you will need:-
1-Quilling tool or Super Quiller
2-Pink tones of quilling strips (5mm)
3-A thick card stock for the card
4-A pencil
5-A thin black marker
6-Tacky glue
Making the Upper Body
Draw a rough sketch of your doll and then finally outline it with the marker.
Adding the Coils
Now, make random loose coils and make them fit the dress completely like I had.
Glue them on their places.
Completing the Card
Draw and outline the legs of the doll.
Then,using colored pencils,or any other think you like,color your doll and decorate.
Add a messege inside your card and you are done:)
Thank You,