500+ Sheet Paper Punch
Do you ever need to 3 hole punch alot of papers and get frustrated punching 20 pages at a time. If so this project is for you.
The First Prototype
This was the first one I made. Just drilled 3 holes and I would clamp the board down on paper to the workbench. I wanted something that was easier and all the holes would line up perfectly.
Create Base
Cut a piece of plywood that is bigger than 13"x9"
Add a board to the edge and the bottom to hold the edges straight. Make sure to leave room for the 3 hole punch board.
Cut a board the length of the base. This will make it easy to line up while building.
Line up the board to the edge of the board and place a factory punched piece of paper on top of the baord that is lined up with the edge and the bottom.
Mark the center of the holes.
Making Holes and Connections
With the board still on the base drill holes through the board and base above and below where the paper sits.
Center punch the holes for the paper punching and drill.
You can get by not using all this hardware, but I wanted it to last a long time.
On the top board place some glue around the end holes and place a washer as these will be used for clamping.
For the paper holes I used a threaded insert with an inside diameter the same size as the hole needed. This will keep the holes from enlarging over time.
Drill the holes on the base a little larger if needed to add a threaded insert.
Make a countersunk hole on the bottom so the unit will sit flat
Attach the screws through the bottom of the board into the threaded insert and tighten these will not come out again so yo can get them real tight
Test It Out
Put the parts together with thumb screws to make sure everything fits together well.
Slide paper between the the hole board and the base and tighten down.
Drill your holes. You can use a drill stop if needed to prevent drilling into the base. It won't affect the performance if there are holes in the base.
Now youre all set to save lots of time in the future.