A Family Fun Craft Box!
OK I made this for the Dadcando family fun conest so plaese vote for it and If you like what I build plaese sub to me!!!
Stuff you need:
Mod poge,
A little box,( you can find a box at Joanns of all kinds of sizes and shapes.)
paint brush,
someing thing that cuts,
A family,
Mod poge,
A little box,( you can find a box at Joanns of all kinds of sizes and shapes.)
paint brush,
someing thing that cuts,
A family,
Family Time!
OK now get the stuff you need and you're family and start cutting stuff out of you're magizes that you want on you're box is!
Mod Podge!
OK now put the mod podge on you're box is then put the piture on top of the mod poge.
OK now put the mod poge over the picture! and let it dry!
Repeat the steps to the box is cover in pictures it they look nice and feel smoth! and you're done!!!