by GONK2 in Circuits > Robots

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AASV stands for Autonomous Android Security Vehicle. AASV is an autonomous vehicle made for indoor security. AASV is composed of vision system, autonomous system and security system.

The vision system is composed of an android smartphone application, which recognizes green, violet and yellow color, and then sends these data to IOIO board through bluetooth serial communication.

Autonomous system has been implemented by RC car which had been made with the ratio of 1:18 in size by HIMOTO. It’s own IOIO board receives the data from the smartphone and then sends these data to it’s electronic speed controller so that it can run the motor and the servo.

Security system can recognize any trespasser with the help of the vibration sensor and the camera. When a trespasser touches AASV for the first time, the vibration sensor recognizes it and makes voice warning as well as led warning through Arduino and Raspberry. Also simultaneously, it takes the photo of the trespasser.

Vision System


Vision system was built with the reference to the source code of leiuiumLux in github.

(https://github.com/IeiuniumLux/AAV) RC car can run properly only after fixing some specifics according to the version In the process of building it.

Autonomous System

AAV_BD (1).png

Autonomous system can work out properly when the source code of step #1 is changed to go well with hardware parts which will be assembled to construct the RC car.

RC car operates according to the values given by the electronic speed controller. When the Arduino is connected to ESC, it can send the serial data to ESC. As we don’t know the actual data sent from the radio transmitter, it’s a very difficult task to find them out.

With the increment or decrement of the number by 10 starting from 1000, it can be figured out how the motor and servo operate. Autonomous system’s hardware is composed of an android smart phone, a RC car, a IOIO board and a Pan-tilt.

The IOIO board is connected to the motor, the servo, the pan-tilt and the power through the respective pins specified in the source code.

If it’s own moving direction doesn’t operate as it should, then this issue can be resolved by finding the variable of the motor so as to change it’s sign to + or - in the source code.


Once the vibration sensor recognizes any contact by a trespasser, then the data is sent to the arduino board through the serial commnication.

The data sent to arduino board is then sent to the raspberry pi board through the serial communication as well. At this time, the data can be processed using the C++ based source code.

The source code, ard_system.ino gets ported to the arduino board, and the source code, ras_ard.cpp gets ported to the raspberry pi board. Apache2 webserver needs to be installed.

PHP, phpMyadmin needs to be installed RPi-Cam-Web-Interface needs to be installed. (http://elinux.org/RPi-Cam-Web-Interface) Smart phone application needs to be built using the App Icon Image and URL within the Android Studio.

Once RaspberryPi 3.0 piCam takes the jpg image and h264(mp4) film, then they need to be stored and managed in the directory of RPi-Cam-Web-Interface image.

But, naming rules related with the registration and the management need to be followed accordingly.

Also, the right extension needs to be designated to each filename. For example, any image filename needs to be ended with .jpg, and any video filename needs to be ended with .mp4.

Furthermore, one has to be able to delete each item separately, or all the items simultaneously.