The very first time i think at what a robot does.
that use a water rocket to be an anti missile blocking and raining the earth.
and there is another anti missile robot on boarded the flying water rocket
controlling water rocket(part_3) too !
and ...
the water rockets will not fighting each other because of the rockets
don't burn any fuel and they don't emitting light !
it's every part and elements
Prototype With UNO
connecting the heart of robot to it's every part
Prototype of Launcher Gear Driving by 2003 With UNO
Auto Turnning Platform With CD
use an old (wasted) CD, a paper clipper, a washer, a hand drill.
and the PCB read the signal for next move.
Connecting Sensors
the platform read POS_v (+5 == LDR == 10K == GND ) from 10K OHM
and read POS_h (+5 == LDR == 10K == GND ) from 10K OHM
so that 10K connecting to UNO PIN A2,A3
Connecting the 1602 Displayer(may Remove Aswell)
Testting the Robot
the water rocket launcher robot with UNO.
the water rocket controlling robot with mini.
the most complex part it's here !
there are three state(s) and 2 speed(s) :
1)Target is right side upon luncher ==> do the turnning forward with slow.
1')Target is right side upon and near luncher ==> do the turnning forward with fast.then delay 20ms.
2)Target is left side upon luncher ==> do the turnning reverse with slow.
2')Target is left side upon and near luncher ==> do the turnning reverse with fast. then delay 20ms.
3)Target is just right upon luncher ==> do the turnning nothing with delay 0.5 secound.
if there is reading POS_v and POS_h different then do the turning routine else delay 50ms.
4) POS_v > POS_h +3 do the forward routine.
5) POS_h > POS_v +3 do the reverse routine.
else STOP.: shut the stepper motor down and then delay 0.5second.
beside these read the sensors and delays.