AVR ISP Shield Adapterboard for ATTiny Chips
by rvdalen in Circuits > Arduino
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AVR ISP Shield Adapterboard for ATTiny Chips
Inspired by this instructable from rleyland, I bought a similar cheap AVR ISP shield for Arduino Uno on aliexpress.
I wanted to make this shield suitable for the ATTiny85, ATTiny2313 and ATTiny84 and decided to make a small 50x50mm adapter board instead of modifying the shield.
This is the AVR ISP shield I bought on Aliexpress
(The nice bumper for the Arduino Uno I found on Thingiverse)
The Schematic Design
The design of the ATTiny adapter board meets the following requirements:
- Is suitable for the following AVR chips; ATTiny85, ATTiny2313 and ATTiny84
- has ZIF Sockets for quick chip exchange
- Selectable internal or external clock (16MHz) for ATTiny2313 and ATTiny84;
- Blinking LED for test purpose
For clarification;
- The 20p ZIF socket is suitable for both the ATTiny85 and the ATTiny2313 - With jumper JP3 ATTiny85 or ATTiny2313 is selected.
- The jumpers JP1 / JP2 selects for the ATTiny2313 the internal clock or the external 16MHz clock on the ISP Shield
- The 14/16p ZIF Socket is suitable for the ATTiny84 (Since I still had a 16p ZIF socket in my drawer I used this for the 14p ATTiny84)
- The jumpers JP4 / JP5 selects for the ATTiny84 the internal clock or the external 16MHz clock on the ISP Shield
- With jumper JP6 the blinking LED is connected to the SCK pin of each chip or an alternate pin for test purpose - see schematic and sketches.
- I used a transistor for the blinking LED because I had already soldered a (smd) blinking led on the SCK pin of the ISP10 connector on the ISP Shield to test a ATMega328 chip - You can see these if you look closely at the photos
The PCB Design
For this board I designed a 49x49mm PCB, so 4 pieces can be placed in a 100x100 panel, which I ordered from JLCPCB. So in this way I now have 20 boards of which I can give away (or sell) 19 pieces to relatives.
The 28p headerpins are mounted on the solder site of the board and fit in the 28p ZIF socket on the ISP shield
The Result
The photos show how the respective chips are placed in de ZIF sockets - For the sake of clarity, I marked each pin 1 with white Tipp-Ex.
To program an ATTiny85 smd chip, I use a 200mil SOC8 to DIP8 adapter socket - such as this - So that's going to be a pretty high-rise
To program the ATTiny's, the Arduino Uno that you will use as programmer needs a ISP sketch.
You find it under Examples > 11. ArduinoISP > ArduinoISP
Another sketch, which controls the onboard buzzer too is OPENSMART_ISP.ino and can be found here, on this site there are also links to the ISP tutorial, a shield manual and schematic.
The Blink example sketch is customized for each application
Happy programming ATTiny's!