AXIS DESK LAMP- Files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Gather Materials
Stand Details:
One piece Water Jet cut, Aluminium Sheet size 760 x 530, 1.2mm ( can use 3mm acrylic or alike)
Base Details:
Arduino Housing - Dove jointed stacked laser cut MDF. 1 x 6mm MDF sheet 600 x 450
Black Tinted Acrylic LED Reflector. 1 x 3mm, 600 x 450
3D Printed Silver PLA
base weight - 12mm sheet mild steel, big enough for a 125mm diameter circle.( other heavy weighted materials can be used)
Cut and Print
Use files linked to fabricate lamp parts.
Stand Details:
One piece Water Jet cut, Aluminium or laser cut if using acrylic
Base Details: Arduino Housing - Dove jointed stacked laser cut MDF/ Black Tinted Acrylic LED Reflector -
3D Printed Silver PLA Base Weight - 12mm Water Jet cut mild steel
Code Arduino
Use the files attached to copy code onto your Arduino
And use the wiring diagram to test out the circuit and dimming function
Assembly Step
- Cut the Aluminium tube down to 138mm, with half the base cut 180 degrees to a depth of 14mm.
- Stack all MDF internals to their corresponding numbers.
- Acrylic top cap can be super glued, and press fit into the top of the Aluminium tube.
- Press fit the 3D printed Cone into the Tube.
- Locate potentiometer halfway between MDF stack 3 and 4.
- Install Arduino, and led from the top down, and locate wires out of the way of the Aluminium arm.
- Press fit bottom Acrylic base
- Plug into DC