Acrylic Puzzle
0.125" acrylic about 12" x 12"
Laser cutter
Draw shapes in coreldraw:
use various shapes tools in coreldraw to draw other shapes within the material square/rectangle, I did: rectangle, circle, ellipse, pentagon, parallelogram, letter J, star, arrow, square
set all outside/border lines to hairline width and color to RGB red.
cut the shapes on the laser cutter (print, set printing options, close lid, press play)
cut the shapes on the laser cutter (print, set printing options, close lid, press play)
image of completed cuts
remove the paper from the acrylic
Analysis: I failed to keep the ctrl key held down while enlarging shapes which resulted in non symetrical shapes(although to the eye they are symmetrical). this resulted in a better/more challenging puzzle which holds the interest of my 4 year old longer.
The Kerf of the laser (amount vaporized) was surprisingly small resulting in a good loose/snug fit.
I made it at TechShop
Analysis: I failed to keep the ctrl key held down while enlarging shapes which resulted in non symetrical shapes(although to the eye they are symmetrical). this resulted in a better/more challenging puzzle which holds the interest of my 4 year old longer.
The Kerf of the laser (amount vaporized) was surprisingly small resulting in a good loose/snug fit.
I made it at TechShop