Add an Inexpensive LED Clip-On Light to Your Music Stand
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Add an Inexpensive LED Clip-On Light to Your Music Stand
Here's how I adapted my music stand so I could add a light to it that was designed to clip onto horizontal things, like bookshelves.
When I wrote this Instructable 10 years ago, halogen lights were standard. Now LED lights are bright, cheap, cooler, and cheaper to use—so I've edited these instructions accordingly. (You'll still see the old light in the photos.)
What You'll Need
What you'll need
• Clip-on LED light with flexible neck (such as IKEA's JANSJO LED Wall/Clamp Spotlight, $11.99)
• Four 3/16 x 1/2" machine bolts (look for the flat-bottom heads; don't use slant-headed wood bolts)
• To fit the bolts (get correct sizes): 4 nuts, 4 lock washers (also called spring washers), 8 flat washers
• Electric drill
• 7/32" high-speed drill bit (be sure it can be used on metal---don't use a wood-only bit!)
• Hammer and a large nail
• Two small metal corner braces
• Small adjustable wrench
• Flat-blade screwdriver
• Screwdriver for the type of bolts you use (if different)
• Pencil
• Short piece of wood board (not shown)
• A few drops of light machine oil (e.g. 3-in-One)
• Safety goggles
Go ahead and laugh at my corded drill, BTW---I've had offers from several museums. :?)
Insert the Braces in the Light Clip
Insert the braces into the light's clip. Imagine you're clipping the light to the braces, and place the braces where you think the light will be most stable.
(Inserted Braces)
Here's a closeup of the inserted braces.
Mark the Holes
Hold the light against the center top of your music stand so the protruding halves of the braces rest flat against the front of the stand.
If your braces are like mine, they have little reinforcement bumps on their inside corners. Be sure the braces are high enough so the corner bumps are above the stand, so the flat parts can rest right against it.
Use the pencil to mark the four holes in the braces. (This may be easier if a friend helps.)
Tap in the Drilling Guides
Lay the stand flat on a workbench or other surface so it doesn't move around. (I used two stools, with the stand's feet hanging over the edge.) Place the wood board under the part of the stand where you marked the holes.
Using the hammer and nail, tap a small indentation in the center of each hole you marked. You must do this to guide the drill bit properly. To avoid bending the stand, be sure the drilling area rests flat against the board.
Oil the Bit
Since you're drilling metal, put a drop or two of oil on the end of the drill bit to avoid overheating.
Drill the Holes
Put on the safety goggles, then carefully drill the holes. (PLEASE wear goggles! I've never had a piece of metal in my eye, but I've had a piece of wood, and that was bad enough!)
Add a drop of oil to the bit before you drill each additional hole.
Remove Burrs & Discard Shavings
Turn the stand over and use a flat-blade screwdriver to scrape away any burrs (protruding metal).
Sweep up and discard all the metal shavings. Don't take a chance that someone will step on them and track them around—there's no telling where they may end up. :?P
Attach the Braces
Remove the braces from the light, then attach them to the stand using the bolts, flat and lock washers, and nuts. The next step shows how everything goes on.
Hardware Order
Here's how the hardware goes on.
Be sure to include the lock washers, which look like little springs. They press against the other parts to keep them from coming loose.
(BTW, you can usually find a nice little assortments of flat and lock washers at dollar stores.)
Okay—shouldn't you be practicing? :?)