Alien Abduction Lamp
This instructable will show you how to make an alien abduction lamp.
8" range replacement pans - 3 (2 for the UFO and 1 for cutting pieces from)
smooth sided tapered drinking glass
small glass bowl
medium base light socket
lamp cord with switch
small piece of plywood (about 6"x6")
small alien toy
small abductee (lego man, cow, sheep, etc)
mini cfl lightbulb
green paint
tin snips
file or small grinder (dremel)
tape measure
drill and small bit or hammer and nail
jigsaw or small handsaw
smooth sided tapered drinking glass
small glass bowl
medium base light socket
lamp cord with switch
small piece of plywood (about 6"x6")
small alien toy
small abductee (lego man, cow, sheep, etc)
mini cfl lightbulb
green paint
tin snips
file or small grinder (dremel)
tape measure
drill and small bit or hammer and nail
jigsaw or small handsaw
UFO Body
Take one of the range pans and cut a piece out in a circular shape a bit larger than the hole that is in the bottom of the pan using the tin snips. Flatten it out and drill a small hole in the center (or punch a hole with a hammer and nail). Use the file or grinder to remove any sharp edges. Epoxy this piece over the hole in another one of the pans. When it is dry epoxy this pan to the third pan in a UFO shape. The side with the covered hole will be the top of the UFO and the side with the open hole is the bottom (the small hole you drilled will allow a bit of light through to illuminate your alien). You should also have an opening at the back where your light will go in.
Make the Base
Cut the piece of plywood into a circle about 6" in diameter. Sand it smooth and paint it green. Attach your abductee to the center using superglue.
Attach the bottom of the drinking glass to the bottom of the UFO using epoxy. Superglue the alien to the top of the UFO. Superglue the small glass bowl over the alien. I painted a black band around the bowl because I only wanted to be able to see the head of the alien but this is optional. Finally, superglue the glass to the base, over top of your abductee. Try to keep everything centered.
Install the Light
Cut two pieces from the scrap pan that are the same width as the opening in the back of the UFO and slightly longer. Cut a small notch in the center edge of each peice. File all the edges smooth. Epoxy these two pieces together so they will fit in the back of the UFO. Run the lamp cord through the hole you cut and wire it to the socket. Epoxy the socket in place on the inside of the two cut pieces. Install a lightbulb and then insert the assembly into the back of the UFO. You will have to bend the ends slightly as you insert it, this keeps it from accidently coming out on its own. I also added some silicone around the edge of the hole to prevent the cord from accidentally getting cut by the metal edge (not shown in picture).
Plug in the lamp, turn it on and enjoy.