Altolds First Aid Bike
OK this a little altolds first aid kit thing that you put on you're bike! so if you have little people with you and if they fall off there bike you have some thing to fix that scraped knee!! If you like what I build please Subscribe to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm enter this in to the Dadcando Family Fun Contest! so please vote! for it!!!!!!!!!!
First Aid
Get you're first aid stuff and put it in a altolds can.
OK find a spot on you're bike were you want to put the first aid kit I put my under the the seat.
Ok tape it down to you're spot but do not tape the lid shut!
OK now go test it out go ride you're bike in bumbe spots.
OK now you're done!!!!!!!!!
paint the can with Krylon spay paint.
paint the can with Krylon spay paint.