Analog Discovery™ USB Oscilloscope + LabVIEW

by dacook13 in Circuits > Electronics

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Analog Discovery™ USB Oscilloscope + LabVIEW


In this instructable we will go over how to connect a Analog Discovery™ USB Oscilloscope to LabVIEW. To do so we will be using a LabVIEW project called LabForms 2.0. The project lets you access the analog scope and wavegen functionalities of the Analog Discovery through LabVIEW. The LabVIEW code and user manual for the project were both written by Mircea Dabacan, the general manager of Diligent Romania. This instructable is based around his work, not mine. The project is still in its early stages so it may contain some bugs; however as far as I could tell all the features were working well.


Analog Discovery Pic1.jpg

Analog Discovery: Link

Software (See next step for links)

WaveForms version 2.6.2 or later

LabVIEW (versions 2013 and 2014 have been tested to work so far)

LabView Run-Time Engine 2103 (This is an optional alternative for the LabVIEW editor, see next step for details.)

NOTE: Installing LabVIEW requires you create an NI account. Your LabVIEW installation and any NI software keys you use will be tied to this account.

Installing the Software

  1. Install WaveForms: Link
  2. Choose one of the NI Software options to Install

Option 2.1: Install LabVIEW

Installing LabVIEW will allow you to both run and edit the LabForms project.

Option 2.2: Install LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2103

Installing the Runtime Engine will allow you to run the LabForms.exe with out LabVIEW installed. Choosing this option will prevent you from opening or editing the LabForms project.

3. Download LabForms 2.0 (attached below) and unzip the folder anywhere.


Wiring the Analog Discovery for Testing

Analog Discovery Test Wiring ReSize.jpg
  1. Using some of the jumper pins supplied with the Analog Discovery connect the Scope Channel 1 Positive (Orange Wire labeled “1+” ) to Wave form Generator 1 Positive (Yellow Wire labeled “W1”).
  2. Plug the Analog Discovery into one of your PC’s USB port.

You may refer to the attached pdf for a more detailed pinout of the Analog Discovery.

Running LabForms

Note: It is important you have already plugged the Analog Discovery into your PCs USB port before you proceed with this step. If you haven’t, the analog discovery may not show up in the LabForms device drop down list.

1. Based on what software you decided to install in step 2, do one of the following.

Option 1.1: Run LabForms Project using LabVIEW (How to GIF)

Option 1.2: Run LabForms Project using LabForms.exe (How to GIF)

2. Open the Analog Scope front Panel and begin recording incoming signals. Open the Wavegen Front Panel and begin generating outgoing signals. (How to GIF)

For more details about how the controls of the front panel work, refer to the LabForms user manual.

3. Once you are finished hit the stop buttons for all running front panels.

Note: It is important you hit the stop buttons and DO NOT just exit out the LabForms windows. If you do not hit the stop buttons, your PC thinks LabForms is still using your Analog Discovery even thought LabForms is closed. If you did exit out of the LabForms windows without hitting the stop buttons, try re-plugging in your device. This should reset the software permissions.