Ancient Quest Map(Super Easy)
Make Custom Old Looking Quest Maps
- An A4 paper
- A Paint brush
- A Pencil (Optional : 2 pencils, one HB and other one 6B)
- Some Coffee powder (alternative Dirt)
Take Inspiration
First, take some ideas from antique maps.
I attached some examples above.(all images taken through internet)
Note down common features you can see,
- drawings of perspective objects
- decorated name tag
- drawings of ships/sea creatures on sea area
Then apply those features you found onto to your design
Make Edges Rough
First, take the A4 paper and tear the edge to make it imperfect.
Give Old Look to Paper
Take the coffee powder and mix it with some water.
Then, take the brush and apply brown coffee mix on the paper.
This will give a natural old dusty look to our paper.
Then, let it dry for around 10mins and repeat this process for 3,4 times.
Draw the Land Area
After the paper dried completely, You would have and old looking scroll like paper.
Take the paper and draw the basic shape of the land
Then give some height to it to make it appear 3D
Take the 6B pencil and draw some shadows around the land
Add Some Details
Draw mountains, water bodies and landmarks on your map.
Draw shipwrecks, sailing ships, sea monsters(like “kraken”) on sea area to cover up empty spots.
As previous step, use 6B pencil and add some depth to details.
Add More Details
Draw a north indicator near a corner
And name your landmarks with some fantasy names
Now you have your own quest map, Let's Go Adventuring
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