Arduino Coffee Machine
I did this project because it was annoying to start the machine, than come back 1 minute later when the coffee machine is warm enough to turn on the switch. Turn on the switch for 10 seconds, then turn it back off so the machine gets warm again. 4 times you have to do this.. So I got tired and made this arduino Servo mottor hack to help me do what I don't want to do.
Materials :
- Arduino Uno Kit with breadboard
- A couple of wires
- 560 Ohm resistors
- Red and Green LED
- Servo motor
- Glue Gun
- Invisible box tape
- Coffee machine
- Medium size Wrench
- Some wire to attach the wrench to the servo
Before We Begin..
Drill a hole in you Servo motor's extension in order to be able to attach the servo to the wrench. We'll attach it later.
The Circuit and the Program
You can open the Coffee Machine .txt file (with comments detailed explanation) and copy it into the Arduino software or just copy it from here.
#include Servo myservo; int i = 0; int ledpins [] = {2,5}; int end; int pos = 135; void setup() { myservo.attach(9); pinMode(2,1); pinMode(5,1); while (i<1){ myservo.write(135); delay(200); i++; } while (i<20){ digitalWrite(5, 1); delay(50); digitalWrite(5, 0); delay(50); i++; } while(i<21){ myservo.write(135); delay(65000); myservo.write(45); delay(11000); i++; } while(i<24){ myservo.write(135); delay(40000); myservo.write(45); delay(11000); i++; } while(i<25){ myservo.write(135); delay(1000); i++; } while(i<300){ digitalWrite(2, 1); delay(500); digitalWrite(2, 0); delay(500); i++; } } void loop() {
Fix the Servo on the Coffee Machine and Attach the Wrench
The hot glue is only there to help put the tape on because it can't hold just with glue. I put tape on because the Coffee machine is not mine, otherwise the job would be much cleaner.