Arduino Rocker Game
This is an Arduino game, there are 11 LED lights, the LED lights will shine in a pattern. When the middle LED shines, press the button. You have three lives, every time you press the button when the light is not on the middle you lose a life. After you are out of lives, you lose the game and the game restarts. This projected was changed from . I changed the delay time to 0.3 seconds, and I added two LEDs in this project.
Step 1 Materials
- 11 LEDs
- Arduino Leonardo
- a button
- bread board
- 13 jumper wires
- 12 resistors
Step 2 How to Build It?
Every LED should be connected with a resistor from pin 2 to pin 12. Connect the button to pin 13. Then connect the ground GND pin to the ground rail of the breadboard.
Step 3 the Code
Step 4 DONEEEE!!!!
If you press the button when the light is not in the middle, you will loose a life. You only get three lives. If you pressed the button when the light is in the middle, the speed will get faster and the game will get harder.