Arduino Controlled Room Heating System
by dushyantahuja in Circuits > Arduino
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Arduino Controlled Room Heating System
The first thing that came to my mind when I started micro-controller programming was to set an automatic room heating cum humidifier system. Bangalore has a very confusing weather - especially for new-comers. The temperature is generally moderate, but nights can sometimes become very cold. However, on other days, the nights are warm and if you have a heater on - it becomes uncomfortable. Also, since the weather is generally moderate - automatic heating solutions are not available commercially.
Hence, one of the first projects I made on an arduino was a temperature and humidity controller.
- Controls a 2-relay board - one for a room heater and one for a humidifier.
- Checks the temperature and humidity every 10 minutes - this can be set in the code
- The algorithm is very simple - Switch off the heater if the temperature goes 1 degree above the set-point and switch it on again if it goes below the set-point. This is similar to most commercial systems.
- The humidifier gets switched on if the humidity is below 40% and gets switched off if it goes above 60%.
- Uses the EEPROM to save the preset
- Has one button that is used to change the preset - single click to increase the temperature by 1 degree, long press to decrease the temperature by 1 degree. The temperature circles between 25 and 30 degree centigrade.
- Atmega 328P-PU (without bootloader)
- 16 MHz Crystal
- 2 x 22 pf capacitors
- LM 7805
- 1 uF + 10uF Electrolytic capacitors
- 10k Resistor
- DHT11 Breakout Board or similar (
- 2 Channel Relay Board
- 1 push-button switch
- 16x2 character LCD
- 10k pot
- 9-12V 1Amp power supply
- Extension cord
- Wires
- General purpose PCB
Instructions for creating and using a "standalone arduino" can be found at
The Circuit
The Fritzing layout is above. I know it looks extremely confusing – but this was the best I could do (this was my first attempt at using fritzing).
The circuit is actually very simple:
- Relay 1 is connected to pin A1
- Relay 2 is connected to pin A2
- A switch is connected to between pin A5 and ground - it uses an internal pullup resistor to maintain a HIGH value
- DHT 11 is connected to pin 13
- LCD pins D4-D7 are connected to pins 5-8
- LCD RS pin is connected to pin 11
- LCD EN pin is connected to pin 12
- The NO sockets of the relays need to be connected between the 110/220 V power and the plug point
- Details to connect the LCD can be found at:
The Code
The code utilises the following libraries (and all thanks to the authors of these libraries):
- OneButton:
- DHT11:
- Timer:
- EEPROM & LiquidCrystal: both part of the Arduino IDE
#include "OneButton.h" #include "EEPROM.h" #include "Timer.h" #define RELAY1 A1 // Connect humidifier to Relay1 #define RELAY2 A2 // Connect heater to Relay2 #define TEMP_SET 25 // Starting Temperature #define MAX_TEMP 30 // Max Temperature #define HUM_SET 40 // Threshold humidity #define HUM_SET2 60 #define SWITCH_PIN A5 // Connect the switch between pin A5 and ground #define CYCLE 10 //Time in minutes for each cycle #include "LiquidCrystal.h" #define LCD_RS 11 // * LCD RS pin to digital pin 12 - Green #define LCD_EN 12 // * LCD Enable pin to digital pin 11 - Yellow #define LCD_D4 5 // * LCD D4 pin to digital pin 5 - Blue #define LCD_D5 6 // * LCD D5 pin to digital pin 6 - Blue #define LCD_D6 7 // * LCD D6 pin to digital pin 7 - Blue #define LCD_D7 8 // * LCD D7 pin to digital pin 8 - Blue #include "dht11.h" #define DHT11PIN 13 dht11 DHT11; LiquidCrystal lcd(LCD_RS, LCD_EN, LCD_D4, LCD_D5, LCD_D6, LCD_D7); int temp_set; Timer t; OneButton button1(SWITCH_PIN, true); void setup() { pinMode(DHT11PIN, INPUT); pinMode(LCD_RS, OUTPUT); pinMode(LCD_EN, OUTPUT); pinMode(LCD_D4, OUTPUT); pinMode(LCD_D5, OUTPUT); pinMode(LCD_D6, OUTPUT); pinMode(LCD_D7, OUTPUT); pinMode(RELAY1, OUTPUT); pinMode(RELAY2, OUTPUT); lcd.begin(16, 2); Serial.begin(9600); if( >= MAX_TEMP+1){ EEPROM.write(0,TEMP_SET); temp_set=TEMP_SET; } else {;} lcd.print("Setpoint: "); lcd.print(temp_set); // Display the setpoint temperature for 2 sec delay(2000); checkTemp(0); t.every(60000*CYCLE,checkTemp,(void*)0); button1.attachClick(tempPlus); button1.attachPress(tempMinus); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: button1.tick(); t.update(); } void tempPlus(){ Serial.println("Plus"); temp_set++; if (temp_set > MAX_TEMP) temp_set = TEMP_SET; // Cycle between TEMP_SET and MAX_TEMP lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Setpoint: "); lcd.print(temp_set); EEPROM.write(0,temp_set); delay(1000); checkTemp(0); } void tempMinus(){ Serial.println("Minus"); temp_set--; if (temp_set < TEMP_SET) temp_set = MAX_TEMP; // Cycle between TEMP_SET and MAX_TEMP lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Setpoint: "); lcd.print(temp_set); EEPROM.write(0,temp_set); delay(2000); checkTemp(0); } void checkTemp(void* context) { int chk =; // Serial.print("Read sensor: "); /* switch (chk) { case DHTLIB_OK: // Serial.println("OK"); break; case DHTLIB_ERROR_CHECKSUM: // Serial.println("Checksum error"); break; case DHTLIB_ERROR_TIMEOUT: // Serial.println("Time out error"); break; default: lcd.println("Unknown error"); break; }*/ lcd.setCursor(0, 0); Serial.println(DHT11.humidity); lcd.print("Humidity: "); lcd.print((float)DHT11.humidity, 2); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Temp: "); lcd.print((float)DHT11.temperature, 2); Serial.println(DHT11.temperature); if(DHT11.humidity < HUM_SET2){ digitalWrite(RELAY1, HIGH); Serial.println("H1"); } if (DHT11.humidity > HUM_SET) { digitalWrite(RELAY1,LOW); Serial.println("H0"); } if(DHT11.temperature < temp_set){ digitalWrite(RELAY2, HIGH); Serial.println("T1"); } if (DHT11.temperature > temp_set){ digitalWrite(RELAY2,LOW); Serial.println("T0"); } }
The assembly was slightly difficult as fitting the entire circuit, LCD, Relay board and power adapter inside the extension cord was a tight fit. However, you can see how everything was fit inside in the photgraphs above.
Also, this would depend a lot on the model of your extension cord and hence there is no "right way"
Final Result
- Controls a 2-relay board - one for a room heater and one for a humidifier.
- Checks the temperature and humidity every 10 minutes - this can be set in the code
- The algorithm is very simple - Switch off the heater if the temperature goes 1 degree above the set-point and switch it on again if it goes below the set-point. This is similar to most commercial systems.
- The humidifier gets switched on if the humidity is below 40% and gets switched off if it goes above 60%.
- Uses the EEPROM to save the preset
- Has one button that is used to change the preset - single click to increase the temperature by 1 degree, long press to decrease the temperature by 1 degree. The temperature circles between 25 and 30 degree centigrade.
Extending the Functions
The following pins are accessible from the outside:
- RX and TX pins
- Reset pin (to program the arduino)
- pin 13
- Two sets of +5 and GND
By replacing the DHT11 and reprogramming, this can be used as a smart power strip. Some of the uses I could think up are:
- Replace the DHT11 with a soil hygrometer - can be used to switch on a pump to water plants when the soil becomes dry.
- Replace the DHT11 with an LM35 or PT100 - and create a sous vide cooker
- Connect a Bluetooth HC-05 module to the RX and TX ports - an voila - a bluetooth controlled power strip that can be controlled from a mobile phone
- Replace the DHT11 with a PIR sensor, and the heaters with a lamp - and you get a motion controlled lamp
Suggestions welcome - please let me know how you would extend this in the comments below.
References and Links
- Original blog post:
- Project Github:
Further Assembly details:
- Standalone Arduino:
- LCD Assembly:
The code utilises the following libraries (and all thanks to the authors of these libraries):
- OneButton:
- DHT11:
- Timer:
- EEPROM & LiquidCrystal: both part of the Arduino IDE