Arduino Mood Lighting
This instructable will show you who to build a rgb lighting system with an arduino. You can also control it with an ipod/iphone/ipad using touchOSC. In my previous instructable I showed how to control one rgb led in this you can control heaps with a single chip the ULN2003A.
You will need
ULN2003A ic or equivilent
common cathode RGB LED's(- + - -)
jumper wires
breadboard or perfboard
Resistors based on your led(I used one per channel)
Cable for linking RGB LED's around your home(optional)
The Circuit
Red to pin 9
green to pin 10
blue to pin 11
green to pin 10
blue to pin 11
Use the code below for your system
There are two sets of code bellow one is a simple flash red, flash green, flash blue and is my code.The other is ipod controlled with aduino IDE and processing code it requires the oscpc5 processing library and is ipod/iphone/ipad controlled using touchOSC.
There are two sets of code bellow one is a simple flash red, flash green, flash blue and is my code.The other is ipod controlled with aduino IDE and processing code it requires the oscpc5 processing library and is ipod/iphone/ipad controlled using touchOSC.
This was a brief instructable showing you how to build an arduino mood lighting system. You could add switches to each channel or add activity lights to each channel or add more channels. There is the new ULN2803 which is 8 channel not seven but is use this chip because you can have several channels and a common anode or cathode and have it run down 8-core wire.