Lithium Atom Design
In this Instructable, you will learn how to make an atom in TinkerCad.
Electron Cloud
First, use a Torus thin shape 3 times to make the electron cloud. I made the dimensions 113mmx113mmx11.30mm. The middle two that are diagonal should be at 22.5 degrees on opposite sides. Then, make the horizontal tube at 90 degrees.
Then use three spheres, each with dimensions 20mmx20mmx20mm(1"x1"x1"), and put it on each tube such that the spheres do not intersect.
Protons and Neutrons
Finally, use red and blue spheres, with dimensions 30mmx30mmx30mm to make the nucleus of the atom. I made the dimensions slightly bigger than before because electrons have a much smaller mass than a proton or a neutron. Since it's a lithium atom, I made 3 protons and 3 neutrons.