VBscript to Automate Convesion To/from STL, STP, DAE and IGES Files Via FreeCAD

by FrancescoF3131 in Workshop > 3D Printing

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VBscript to Automate Convesion To/from STL, STP, DAE and IGES Files Via FreeCAD

Victory Hand Emoji.png

Finally I found a way to do conversions between different 3D files without wasting time!



Link to download the script:


My Goal

Glasses Emoji.png

I use Tinkercad to realize my 3D projects, so I make intensive use of STL files, but I was asked many times to render my STL in STEP, IGES or DAE format.

That's really a tedious work, due to large number of items to process.

To convert STL to other file type I use FreeCAD, whose flexibility let me make several types of conversion between formats, but it's a time consuming operation, of course.

I decided to face the problem one time for all and write down some script to automatize the conversions.

You can place this script wherever you want in your disk.

The VBS Script

Open Book Emoji.png

' Created by Francesco Francescangeli

' 2021-10-18

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set objPopup = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set Arg = Wscript.Arguments

Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2

const ShowWindow = 1, DontShowWindow = 0, WaitUntilFinished = true, DontWaitUntilFinished = false

INsupported = "STL,STP,DAE,IGES"

OUTsupported = INsupported

' Check all is OK


If Arg.count < 4 Then

 wscript.echo "Missing parameters!" & vbCrLf & "Syntax:" & vbCrLf & "CONVERT.VBS [INtype] [OUTtype] [Full INpath] [Full OUTpath]"


End If

INfiletype = UCase(Arg(0))

OUTfiletype = UCase(Arg(1))

INdir = Arg(2)

INdir = Replace(INdir, "\", "/")

OUTdir = Arg(3)

OUTdir = Replace(OUTdir, "\", "/") & "/"

Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(INdir)

numFiles = objFolder.Files.Count

If numFiles = 0 Then

 wscript.echo "Input directory empty!"


End If

If INfiletype = OUTfiletype Then

 wscript.echo "IN and OUT file format is identical!"


End If

If InStr(INsupported, INfiletype) = 0 Or InStr(OUTsupported, OUTfiletype) = 0 Then

 wscript.echo "Input file type not supported!"


End If

Set allFiles = objFolder.Files

numTot = 0

For Each objFile in allFiles

 If UCase(objFSO.GetExtensionName(objFile.Name)) = INfiletype Then

  numTot = numTot + 1

 End If


If numTot = 0 Then

 wscript.echo "No " & INfiletype & " file found!"


End If




Function ControlName(FileName)

 If IsNumeric(Mid(FileName,1,1)) Then

  ControlName = "_" & Mid(FileName,2)


  ControlName = FileName

 End If

End Function

Function sendIN(str)

 MsgLine = Trim(str)

 x = objPopup.Popup(MsgLine, 3, "Work in progress" , 64)

End Function

Function sendEND(str)

 MsgLine = Trim(str)

 x = objPopup.Popup(MsgLine, 10, "Job completed!" , 64)

End Function

Function FileConv(extIN, extOUT, nameIN, nameOUT, namePart, path)

 FileConv = false

 If objFSO.FileExists(nameOUT) Then


 End If

 Set filetxt = objFSO.CreateTextFile(ConvScript, ForWriting)

 Select Case extIN

  Case "STL"

   Select Case extOUT

    Case "STP"

     filetxt.WriteLine("import FreeCAD, Mesh, Part, Import")

     filetxt.WriteLine("Mesh.open('" & nameIN & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("FreeCAD.getDocument('Unnamed').addObject('Part::Feature', '" & namePart & "001')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("__shape__ = Part.Shape()")

     filetxt.WriteLine("__shape__.makeShapeFromMesh(FreeCAD.getDocument('Unnamed').getObject('" & namePart & "').Mesh.Topology, 0.1)")

     filetxt.WriteLine("FreeCAD.getDocument('Unnamed').getObject('" & namePart & "001').Shape = __shape__")

     filetxt.WriteLine("FreeCAD.getDocument('Unnamed').getObject('" & namePart & "001').purgeTouched()")

     filetxt.WriteLine("del __shape__")

     filetxt.WriteLine("__objs__ = []")

     filetxt.WriteLine("__objs__.append(FreeCAD.getDocument('Unnamed').getObject('" & namePart & "001'))")

     filetxt.WriteLine("Import.export(__objs__, '" & path & nameOUT & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("del __objs__")

    Case "DAE"

     filetxt.WriteLine("import FreeCAD, Mesh, importDAE")

     filetxt.WriteLine("Mesh.open(u'" & nameIN & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("__objs__ = []")

     filetxt.WriteLine("__objs__.append(FreeCAD.getDocument('Unnamed').getObject('" & namePart & "'))")

     filetxt.WriteLine("importDAE.export(__objs__, u'" & path & nameOUT & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("del __objs__")

    Case "IGES"

     filetxt.WriteLine("import FreeCAD, Mesh, Part")

     filetxt.WriteLine("Mesh.open(u'" & nameIN & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("FreeCAD.getDocument('Unnamed').addObject('Part::Feature', '" & namePart & "001')")


     filetxt.WriteLine("__shape__.makeShapeFromMesh(FreeCAD.getDocument('Unnamed').getObject('" & namePart & "').Mesh.Topology, 0.1)")

     filetxt.WriteLine("FreeCAD.getDocument('Unnamed').getObject('" & namePart & "001').Shape=__shape__")

     filetxt.WriteLine("FreeCAD.getDocument('Unnamed').getObject('" & namePart & "001').purgeTouched()")

     filetxt.WriteLine("del __shape__")

     filetxt.WriteLine("__objs__ = []")

     filetxt.WriteLine("__objs__.append(FreeCAD.getDocument('Unnamed').getObject('" & namePart & "001'))")

     filetxt.WriteLine("Part.export(__objs__, u'" & path & nameOUT & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("del __objs__")

   End Select

  Case "STP"

   Select Case extOUT

    Case "STL"

     filetxt.WriteLine("import FreeCAD, Mesh, Part")

     filetxt.WriteLine("shape = Part.Shape()")

     filetxt.WriteLine("shape.read('" & nameIN & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("doc = App.newDocument(""Doc"")")

     filetxt.WriteLine("pf = doc.addObject(""Part::Feature"",""MyShape"")")

     filetxt.WriteLine("pf.Shape = shape")

     filetxt.WriteLine("Mesh.export([pf], " & chr(34) & path & nameOUT & chr(34) & ")")

    Case "DAE"

     filetxt.WriteLine("import FreeCAD, Mesh, Part, importDAE")

     filetxt.WriteLine("shape = Part.Shape()")

     filetxt.WriteLine("shape.read('" & nameIN & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("doc = App.newDocument(""Doc"")")

     filetxt.WriteLine("pf = doc.addObject(""Part::Feature"",""MyShape"")")

     filetxt.WriteLine("pf.Shape = shape")

     filetxt.WriteLine("importDAE.export([pf], " & chr(34) & path & nameOUT & chr(34) & ")")

    Case "IGES"

     filetxt.WriteLine("import FreeCAD, Part")

     filetxt.WriteLine("shape = Part.Shape()")

     filetxt.WriteLine("shape.read('" & nameIN & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("doc = App.newDocument(""Doc"")")

     filetxt.WriteLine("pf = doc.addObject(""Part::Feature"",""MyShape"")")

     filetxt.WriteLine("pf.Shape = shape")

     filetxt.WriteLine("Part.export([pf], " & chr(34) & path & nameOUT & chr(34) & ")")

   End Select

  Case "DAE"

   Select Case extOUT

    Case "STL"

     filetxt.WriteLine("import FreeCAD, Mesh, importDAE")

     filetxt.WriteLine("importDAE.open(u'" & nameIN & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("__objs__ = []")

     filetxt.WriteLine("__objs__.append(FreeCAD.getDocument('" & namePart & "').getObject('Mesh'))")

     filetxt.WriteLine("Mesh.export(__objs__, u'" & path & nameOUT & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("del __objs__")

    Case "STP"

     filetxt.WriteLine("import FreeCAD, importDAE, Part, Import")

     filetxt.WriteLine("importDAE.open(u'" & nameIN & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("FreeCAD.getDocument('" & namePart & "').addObject('Part::Feature', 'Mesh001')")


     filetxt.WriteLine("__shape__.makeShapeFromMesh(FreeCAD.getDocument('" & namePart & "').getObject('Mesh').Mesh.Topology, 0.1)")

     filetxt.WriteLine("FreeCAD.getDocument('" & namePart & "').getObject('Mesh001').Shape=__shape__")

     filetxt.WriteLine("FreeCAD.getDocument('" & namePart & "').getObject('Mesh001').purgeTouched()")

     filetxt.WriteLine("del __shape__")

     filetxt.WriteLine("__objs__ = []")

     filetxt.WriteLine("__objs__.append(FreeCAD.getDocument('" & namePart & "').getObject('Mesh001'))")

     filetxt.WriteLine("Import.export(__objs__, u'" & path & nameOUT & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("del __objs__")

    Case "IGES"

     filetxt.WriteLine("import FreeCAD, importDAE, Part")

     filetxt.WriteLine("importDAE.open(u'" & nameIN & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("FreeCAD.getDocument('" & namePart & "').addObject('Part::Feature', 'Mesh001')")


     filetxt.WriteLine("__shape__.makeShapeFromMesh(FreeCAD.getDocument('" & namePart & "').getObject('Mesh').Mesh.Topology, 0.1)")

     filetxt.WriteLine("FreeCAD.getDocument('" & namePart & "').getObject('Mesh001').Shape=__shape__")

     filetxt.WriteLine("FreeCAD.getDocument('" & namePart & "').getObject('Mesh001').purgeTouched()")

     filetxt.WriteLine("del __shape__")

     filetxt.WriteLine("__objs__ = []")

     filetxt.WriteLine("__objs__.append(FreeCAD.getDocument('" & namePart & "').getObject('Mesh001'))")

     filetxt.WriteLine("Part.export(__objs__, u'" & path & nameOUT & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("del __objs__")

   End Select

  Case "IGES"

   Select Case extOUT

    Case "STL"

     filetxt.WriteLine("import FreeCAD, Part, Mesh")

     filetxt.WriteLine("shape = Part.Shape()")

     filetxt.WriteLine("shape.read('" & nameIN & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("doc = App.newDocument(""Doc"")")

     filetxt.WriteLine("pf = doc.addObject(""Part::Feature"",""MyShape"")")

     filetxt.WriteLine("pf.Shape = shape")

     filetxt.WriteLine("Mesh.export([pf], " & chr(34) & path & nameOUT & chr(34) & ")")

    Case "STP"

     filetxt.WriteLine("import FreeCAD, Part, Import")

     filetxt.WriteLine("shape = Part.Shape()")

     filetxt.WriteLine("shape.read('" & nameIN & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("doc = App.newDocument(""Doc"")")

     filetxt.WriteLine("pf = doc.addObject(""Part::Feature"",""MyShape"")")

     filetxt.WriteLine("pf.Shape = shape")

     filetxt.WriteLine("Import.export([pf], " & chr(34) & path & nameOUT & chr(34) & ")")

    Case "DAE"

     filetxt.WriteLine("import FreeCAD, Part, importDAE")

     filetxt.WriteLine("shape = Part.Shape()")

     filetxt.WriteLine("shape.read('" & nameIN & "')")

     filetxt.WriteLine("doc = App.newDocument(""Doc"")")

     filetxt.WriteLine("pf = doc.addObject(""Part::Feature"",""MyShape"")")

     filetxt.WriteLine("pf.Shape = shape")

     filetxt.WriteLine("importDAE.export([pf], " & chr(34) & path & nameOUT & chr(34) & ")")

   End Select

 End Select


 If objFSO.FileExists(ConvScript) Then

  FileConv = true

 End If

End Function


DestDir = "C:\Users\ff\AppData\Roaming\FreeCAD\Macro\"

ConvScript = DestDir & "FILECONV.FCMACRO"

CurDir = objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(".") & "\"

numDone = 0

For Each objFile in allFiles

 nameFile = ControlName(objFSO.GetBaseName(objFile.Name))

 If UCase(objFSO.GetExtensionName(objFile.Name)) = INfiletype Then

  if FileConv(INfiletype, OUTfiletype, INdir & "/" & objFile.Name, objFSO.GetBaseName(objFile.Name) & "." & OUTfiletype, objFSO.GetBaseName(objFile.Name), OUTdir) Then

   sendIN("Please wait..." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Converting:" & vbCrLf & objFile.Name)

   objShell.Run """C:\Program Files\FreeCAD 0.18\bin\freecadcmd"" " & ConvScript, DontShowWindow, WaitUntilFinished

   numDone = numDone + 1

   If numDone = numTot Then

    sendEND("All files processed.")

   End If

   If objFSO.FileExists(DestDir & ConvScript) Then

    objFSO.DeleteFile(DestDir & ConvScript)

   End If

  End If

 End If


VBS Arguments

Handbag Emoji.jpg

INfiletype = UCase(Arg(0))

The first argument to pass to script is the file type to convert from (STL, STP, DAE, IGES)

OUTfiletype = UCase(Arg(1))

The 2nd one to pass to script is the file type to convert to (STL, STP, DAE, IGES)

INdir = Arg(2)

The 3rd one is the full path of directory containing the files to convert from in the form

C:\***\***\SourceDir (no trailing backslash).

OUTdir = Arg(3)

The 4th argument to pass to script is the destination path in the form C:\***\***\DestinationDir (no trailing backslash).

It's ininfluent that inside the source dir reside other types of files, they're filtered out by the script.


C:\convert.vbs stp iges C:\myfiles\stpfiles C:\myfiles\igesfiles

Here It Comes...

Thumbs Up Hand Sign Emoji.png

Let's say we have:

- FreeCAD installed

Mine is 0.18 release, so if your is different you'll have to modify the line in script according to:

objShell.Run """C:\Program Files\FreeCAD 0.18\bin\freecadcmd"" " & ConvScript, DontShowWindow, WaitUntilFinished


1) Open Command Prompt (cmd.exe)

2) execute (i.e.):

C:\(path to convert.vbs)\convert.vbs stp iges C:\myfiles\stpfiles C:\myfiles\igesfiles

3) a number of info popup, informing you about work progress

4) when done, a new popup will show you how many files have been processed.

That's all!