I have been an ART teacher for many years and have a rather large collection of brushes that have fallen apart. I have saved them because I was sure one day I would find a use for them. Recently I was looking for a fun after school project to do with my group of "clay kids".
broken brushes
minimal clay tools
clear glaze
access to a kiln (I have not tried this with air dry clay so I cant advise)
Starting the Clay
Begin with a lump of clay the size of an egg. Shape a cone and begin to create the features of the face.
Attaching With Slip
Slip is very moist clay that needs to be used to add on details with the clay. I call it clay glue because that is what it does.I put slip on the small balls I used for eyes. I scored (small scratch marks) the tongue, used slip to attach it in the mouth of my brush head .
When features are complete poke several holes in the underside of the cone to open up any air pockets that may have been created.
Finishing Touches
Carefully press your brush of choice into the head. Jiggle it around a bit to make the hole slightly larger Clay shrinks a bit when it dries and you need the hole large enough to insert the brush back into the opening when it is done.
I bisque the clay pieces and then do a glaze firing. Try not to get any glaze in the actual hole that the brush goes into it will not hold the brush as well in the end.