Bag for Containers
It is widespread situation – we have got some small parts but do not know where to put them. What parts? Completely different! Bolts, nuts, springs, washers ... made of metal, plastic, wood ... But there are a lot of already exist containers around us: used plastic storages for a food packaging have enough hardness, inner space and covers. We need only arrange these storages into convenient form. I suggest to use simple portable shelve made of one piece of cardboard. See on photos. So far, I use my construction to store mechanical parts now. But in near future I plan to pick berries of different kinds with help of this portable shelve. Certainly the shape and the size of cells for containers depend on your actual resources. So I think you could easy transform construction accordingly.
Tools and Materials
- cardboard sheet (900x260 mm, t=2 mm, two layers);
- rulers (school size (0.3 m) and long (0.5...1 m));
- pencil;
- paper knife;
- awl;
- scissors;
- old wooden surface as base for cutting operations;
- technical drawing (see next step);
- 4 plastic containers ( ~ L x W x H: 93 x 64 x 90 mm).
General Construction
Our storage will consist of one part only. You can download appropriate drawing from the next locations: variant 1 (google drive), variant 2 (yandex drive). Dimensions 64 and 93 determined by the size of plastic containers.
Transferring Drawing to a Cardboard
Cut Part Out of Cardboard
'First Blade' Bending
To execute all bend operations we will use special tool – Cardboard Bender according the following sequence: 1) Put the cardboard part on the wooden work base; 2) Draw path on the cardboard surface; 3) Move the Bender's Roller along the path with appropriate pressure to reduce the thickness of cardboard plate in a contact area; 4) Bend part along the 'compressed' path.