Bandsaw Finger Joint Jig
in this tutorial you will learn how to make a finger joint jig for a bandsaw
Making the Slide
Making the slide is different for every saw. Mine has a slide that runs in a slot. I made a shape out of ply that would fit. the other requirement is the ability to attach the sled to the jig. My slide has threaded hole in it so i could run a knob through the wood and into this hole and screw it down. there is also another hole in the slide that is not threaded, so i glued a dowel onto the wooden piece to sturdy it further. The photo shows my slide
The Sled Back
The next step is to make the back of the sled. The main requirement for this is that it is very much a perfect 90 degrees to the blade. I glued and screwed it on while clamping a set square directly to the corner.
The Final Step
the final step is to set the bar which sets the distance for each finger. To do this i drilled a hole in the slide, careful to avoid the previously placed screw, and poked a dowel through the hole. After that, i drilled a hole through the top of the slide to meet the hole. this hole was slightly undersized in comparison to the screw which i intended to use to tighten the dowel in place. To help in measuring in premarked 1cm intervals on the dowel
happy finger jointing!!