Basic Button
The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.
In this lesson you will learn to make a basic button with cylinder shapes.
- Drag a cylinder to the workplane.
Basic Button
- Scale it down to a height of 2mm.
- Tip: You can scale down the cylinder with the white dot at the top of the cylinder shape.
Basic Button
- Scale it smaller to a diameter of 16mm.
- This will be the main shape of the button.
Basic Button
- Now we can create the holes that will allow the button to be sewn to a shirt.
- Drag a cylinder shape to the workplane.
Basic Button
- Scale it smaller to a diameter of 3mm.
- Move it to the area marked in orange.
- Make this cylinder a hole.
- Don't forget you can adjust the Snap Grid from 1.0mm to 0.5mm for more accuracy when positioning shapes.
Basic Button
- Copy and paste the hole.
- Move the holes to the area marked in orange.
Basic Button
- Select all the shapes and group them into a single object by clicking the group button on the menu bar.
Great work! You did it!