Basic Quadruped Platform!
What You'll Need!
Structure material (wood, 3D print material, aluminum...from soda cans?)
Microcontroller (I am using an Arduino UNO)
Servos( I am using 12)
Mounting hardware
Zip ties
You might want to use jumpers or wire extensions for the servos.
Hot glue gun
Razor/Dremel/saw (depending on what you want to use for the structure)
The Body
The Shoulders!
The Legs!
Rinse and Repeat!
The Brrrrraaaaaiiiiinnssss and Guuutsssss!!
Time to mount the electronics to the body. we need to attach the Arduino, servo board, and battery. attach the mounting nuts to the holes in the body and to the Arduino. Attach the servo board to the Arduino, and hook up the servos to it.. Find a good spot for the battery and use double sided tape.
Now the raspberry pi can be added whenever its ready. One of the best things about this design is that the pi and Arduino can be programed from one connection.
This came out really nice, I would use bigger servos though, they are very fragile. I would use metal gear servos as well. I put hot glue on the bottom of the feet, but I am going to put buttons or force sensors on the feet to help with balance. I am planning to add a range finder and a pi noir camera to it the help it with being autonomous. I'm really happy with how it came out, and I would like to hear any suggestions on this.
I will be making another instructable for the raspberry pi portion of this project later on.