Basic Vector Creation
This chapters gives a simple introduction to creating vector shapes.
The Vector Creation functions are available on View Tools Toolbar.
Polyline Creation - Create vector polylines, straight or curved
Rectangle Creation - Create vector squares and rectangles
Circle Creation - Create vector circles
Ellipse Creation - Create vector ovals
Polygon Creation - Create vector polygons
Star Creation - Create vector stars
Arc Creation - Create vector arcs
Text Tool - Create vector text
Text on a Curve function is available on Design Tools Toolbar, in the Text flyout.
Bitmap to Vector - Trace primary (current) colour with vector curves
The Ellipse Creation and Circle Creation functions are under a single flyout menu.
Polygon Creation and Start Creation functions are under a single flyout menu.
Example 2-1
Vector Shapes Tutorial
This project will go through all the basic vector creation tools.
On the diagram, all dimensions are marked next to the shapes. The center: (_,_) are X and Y coordinates
1 Create a New Model 775mm x 775mm (30” x 30”)
2 Origin in the lower left corner
3 Create the following shapes as shown on the diagram on the following pages:
Chose to work either from the MM below or INCH diagram below.
Wrap the ‘ArtCAM Delcam’ Text onto the ellipse
4 Open the Text tool and click on the Text, Select Ellipse and click Select Curve in the Text Tool page
5 Try various options in Text On A Curve function