Bat Button
The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.
In this lesson you will learn to make a button shaped like a bat! Let's get started!
- Drag a Box shape to the Workplane.
- Scale it smaller to a height of 8mm and size it to 16mm x 30mm. Move it to the area outlined in orange.
- Drag a Cylinder shape to the Workplane and make it a Hole.
- Scale it smaller to a height of 8mm and a diameter of 8mm.
- Remember, a quick and easy way to make a uniform 3D scale is to press and hold the shift key on the keyboard while scaling the shape.
- Copy and paste the Cylinder and add a Cylinder to each of the areas highlighted in orange.
- A quick way to make copies of shapes is to hold the ALT key on the keyboard while moving a shape.
- Drag a Cylinder shape to the Workplane and make it a Hole.
- Scale it bigger to a diameter of 50mm and a height of 8mm.
- Move it to the area highlighted in orange.
- Select all the shapes and group them into a single object by clicking the Group button on the Menu Bar.
- Now let's make the head for the bat.
- Drag a Box shape to the Workplane.
- Scale it smaller to a height of 8mm and a size of 4mm x 5mm.
- Move it to the area marked in orange.
- Drag a Cylinder shape to the Workplane and make it a Hole.
- Scale it smaller to a diameter of 5mm.
- Move it to the area highlighted in orange.
- Select the Box and Cylinder and Group them together.
- Almost done! The only thing missing now are the button holes.
- Drag a Cylinder shape to the Workplane and make it a Hole.
- Scale it smaller to a diameter of 3mm.
- Copy and paste the hole to the areas marked in orange.
- Select all the shapes and Group them.
Congratulations! You did it!