Batch Copy

by yew101 in Circuits > Software

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Batch Copy

Hello batch users(or batch viewers),
I thought i would make a simple tutorial on how to make a batch file copy a directory into a file called data. Although you cannot copy a directory that has the batch files eomwhee in it even if its in a sub-direcotry.
Ok Lets being.

First:  Right Click,Select New, Select Notepad/Text Document.
Now select File, Save as, change file type to All files, Call it COPY.bat


@echo off.JPG

right click COPY.bat and select edit
type in the following code to set the colors and title

@echo off
color 0c

(This color code "0c" will set the color of the backgound and the text)
the 0 is for the black background and the c is for red text.
-feel free to play around with these colors.

title Alex's Copying Program
if not exist data MD data

(this will set the title to Alex's Copying program)
and the code *if not exist data MD data* sets it to make a file called data if it already does not exist-this will be the folder that files copy to-
@echo off make you not able to see the code when running the program


Now enter the folowing code to set a password for your program
(this is optional)

echo enter password to continue
set/p pwd="Password: "
if %pwd%==alex goto correct
if not %pwd%==alex exit

the codes:
:start - a new section thing
cls - stands for *clear last script* which just make a all the previous code invisible
echo enter password to continue- makes the words *enter password to continue* appear when running the program
set /p pwd="Password:" - makes the password possible
if %pwd%==alex goto correct - makes the password set to alex and go to next secion if correct
if not %pwd%==alex exit - makes the application exit if the entered password is not alex
cls - clears the last set of writing in program so its more tidy

Your code so far:

@echo off
color 0c
title Alex's Copying Program
if not exist data MD data

echo enter password to continue
set/p pwd="Password: "
if %pwd%==alex goto correct
if not %pwd%==alex exit

Correct Password

Now enter the following code:

echo Correct Password!
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto command

Code Meanings:
:corect - another section thing.
echo Correct Password! - lls you that you got the password corect
ping localhost -n 2 >nul - makes it wait 2 seconds to continue
cls- makes last script invisible again
goto command - directs it to the section :command

Code so far:

@echo off
color 0c
title Alex's Copying Program
if not exist data MD data

echo enter password to continue
set/p pwd="Password: "
if %pwd%==alex goto correct
if not %pwd%==alex exit

echo Correct Password!
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto command

Continue or Quit?


enter the flowing code to make it either quit the program or continue on

echo type start to begin!
echo or Q to quit application
goto next

set/p pwd=""
if %pwd%==start goto start2
if %pwd%==q exit
if %pwd%==Q exit
if not %pwd%==start goto unknown

Code Description:
:command - another section thing
echo type start to begin!        }
echo or Q to quit application}states what the program will say at this point in time
goto next - will goto the section *:next*

:next - a section thing
set /p pwd="" - sets a password with no description
if %pwd%==start goto start2 - sets it to go to *:start2* section is you tupe start
if %pwd%==q exit  }
if %pwd%==Q exit }makes the letter q exit without being case sensitive
if not %pwd%==start goto unknown - *should send to section unknown if not start/q/Q*

Cuent Code:
@echo off
color 0c
title Alex's Copying Program
if not exist data MD data

echo enter password to continue
set/p pwd="Password: "
if %pwd%==alex goto correct
if not %pwd%==alex exit

echo Correct Password!
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto command

echo type start to begin!
echo or Q to quit application
goto next

set/p pwd=""
if %pwd%==start goto start2
if %pwd%==q exit
if %pwd%==Q exit
if not %pwd%==start goto unknown

The Copy Command


Now enter this in:
echo Enter the File path
set/p pth="Path: "
if not exist %pth% goto ac
echo Copying...
xcopy /e /c /q /h "%pth%" "data" || goto error
echo Copy Complete!

Code Description:
Start2 - should know this by now
cls - should remember
echo Enter the File path -  The text displayed
set/p pth="Path: " - Sets it to recognize a path file
cls- should knoe
echo Copying... - what it displays
xcopy /e /c /q /h "%pth%" "data" || goto error - tries to copy the path file or exits program
echo. - makes a space
echo Copy Complete! - displays text
echo. - makes a space
ping localhost -n 2 >nul - gives 2 seconds to read text
exit - closes program

Code so far:

@echo off
color 0c
title Alex's Copying Program
if not exist data MD data

echo enter password to continue
set/p pwd="Password: "
if %pwd%==alex goto correct
if not %pwd%==alex exit

echo Correct Password!
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto command

echo type start to begin!
echo or Q to quit application
goto next

set/p pwd=""
if %pwd%==start goto start2
if %pwd%==q exit
if %pwd%==Q exit
if not %pwd%==start goto unknown

echo Enter the File path
set/p pth="Path: "
if not exist %pth% goto ac
echo Copying...
xcopy /e /c /q /h "%pth%" "data" || goto error
echo Copy Complete!
ping localhost -n 2 >nul


@echo off
color 0c
title Alex's Copying Program
if not exist data MD data

echo enter password to continue
set/p pwd="Password: "
if %pwd%==alex goto correct
if not %pwd%==alex exit

echo Correct Password!
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto command

echo type start to begin!
echo or Q to quit application
goto next

set/p pwd=""
if %pwd%==start goto start2
if %pwd%==q exit
if %pwd%==Q exit
if not %pwd%==start goto unknown

echo Enter the File path
set/p pth="Path: "
if not exist %pth% goto ac
echo Copying...
xcopy /e /c /q /h "%pth%" "data" || goto error
echo Copy Complete!
ping localhost -n 2 >nul

and theres your code a bit more complete
*REMEMBER*  - files save to data in same file as COPY.bat

now open up the file and test it

If you want a version with a bit more in it that is my personal one heres a download of it: