Battleshots Drinking Game
Machines needed:
- 3D printer
- Laser cutter (optional)
- Plotter printer or access to printing service
Materials needed:
- 3D printing filement (PLA or ABS)
- 2 mm carton for your playing board (700×700mm)
- glossy paper for plotter printer (+ink)
- 36 white & 36 red magnets
- magnet tape or 1mm steel sheet (350×350mm)
- black electrical tape
Software needed:
- 3D cad program (like solidworks, blender, sketchup)
- Cura 3D (
- Illustrator
To get an idea what the game is about, please watch this video:
Printing 1-shot Schip
3D printing video tutorial:
I've been working hard to design ships in SolidWorks, so enjoy it! To play the game, ships must be printed with a 3D printer. I myself use the following options:
- fill density: 20%
- shell thinkness: 0.8
- layer-height: 0.2
Make sure that printing the boats takes a lot of time, so it will take up to 4 hours to print the biggest ship.
*beware that the '1shot-ship' must be printed 6 times! (3 for each player)*
Sub-steps (installing cura and Gcode):
- Go to and install the 3d print software.
- Download my STL files from the ships (1shotschip, 2shotsschip and 3shotsship).
- open the STL files in Cura (the best way to do this ship by ship)
- In Cura, select your 3d printer and select the prefrences described above.
- print your ships (6 × 1shotship, 4 × 2shotship, 2 × 3shotship)
Printing 2-shots Ship
Print 4 × the 2shots-ship (two for each player)
- fill density: 20%
- shell thinkness: 0.8
- layer-height: 0.2
Printing 3-shots Ship
Print 2 × the 3shots-ship (one for each player)
- fill density: 20%
- shell thinkness: 0.8
- layer-height: 0.2
Laser Cutting (optional)
If u don't have as much time and money as me, you could always to choose to laser-cut your ships. This will give you a more simplified version of the ships, but its a lot faster and cheaper. In the added files you can find a DXF file where the cuts are defined for 1 player, so you need to cut it 2 times.
if you're having trouble using a laser cutter, maybe the video below is intressting for you:
If u dont have acces to a laser cutter you can always choose to (1:1 scale) print the DXF file and glue it onto your plywood. After you can manually cut the ships out with a saw. (but it takes a lot more effort)
Printing the "partition Holders"
To keep the partition up, I designed these partition-holders. This keeps up the partition so players can not cheat, and also serves as a score board, where you can track with magnets where you have already shot. The holder is simple and will not take long to print. However, some other print settings are required:
- fill density: 100%
- shell thinkness: 0.8
- layer-height: 0.15
Printing Your Boardgame
This step is simple and all you have to do is print the boardgame. There are 2 files included, the one where you keep track of your own ships (the sea), and the one where you keep track of the other ships (radar). The quality of the print is up to yourself, but keep in mind that its very importand to print both the boards at 350 × 350 mm. Otherwise your ships wont fit on the board. Luckely I already scaled them for you, so all you have to do is print the board at scale 1:1, and then where wont be any problems.
*this type of printing can only be achieved with a large plotter printer. I myself went to a printing service, to get te best qualtity (but is expensive tho).
In the next step you take your 2 mm cardboard, and cut out 4 squares of 350 × 350 mm (so the coardboard is 350×350×2mm).
On two squares you glue the sea pdf, to make a playing board for each player. On the other two squares you glue the radar, to make a radar board for each player.
On the backsides of the radar-cardboards you can ether put a 1 mm steel sheet behind or just use magnetic tape like me. Doing this will make your radar-cardboard magnetic, so you can keep track of your score by placing magnets on the coördinates that you already have shot at.
*I choose to tape the two radar-cardboards together to make 1 board (back2back). This makes it easier to place the board in the partition holder, and you also can't see the magnetic tape anymore.*