Binary_Clock by Arduino Nano
Hi,I am YKSky.
I made a binary clock by arduino nano & tiny rtc.
The right bottom is minute + or -.
The left bottom is hour + or -.
My youtube:
12 Hr Binary Clock, hours and minutes only, DS1307 RTC, i2C, Arduino-Nano by mr_fid
How to add 6 extra pins to your Arduino with no extra hardware by baharini
Arduino練習:RTC即時時鐘DS1307 by 葉難 yehnan
Code & Pin
const int setHup = 17; //button for hour increase
const int setHdown = 16; //button for hour decrease
const int setMup = 20; // button for minute increase
const int setMdown = 21; // button for minute decrease
const int UnitTenHrs01 = 12;
const int UnitTenHrs02 = 11;
const int UnitHrs01 = 10;
const int UnitHrs02 = 9;
const int UnitHrs04 = 8;
const int UnitHrs08 = 7;
const int UnitTenMin01 = 6;
const int UnitTenMin02 = 5;
const int UnitTenMin04 = 4;
const int UnitMin01 = 3;
const int UnitMin02 = 2;
const int UnitMin04 = 14;
const int UnitMin08 = 15;