This is a simple way to do a bookmark that will save the pages too.
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You'll need:
- cardboard (more or less 14 cm x 10 cm)
- scissors
- glue
- elastic band (more or less 30 cm)
Fold the cardboard in two.
Glue both ends of the elastic band inside the cardboard, so it makes a loop.
Glue the cardboard.
Optional: you can cut the corners of the cardboard so they are round.
You can decorate the cardboard in the way you prefer: here I've drawn a tulip with felt-tips, but you can use collage or paper, free your fantasy.
The bookmark is ready.
Booksaver: the elastic band will keep the book closed, so the book won't be riuned if you put it in a bag.
Bookmark: the cardboard will keep the mark.