Bottle Cap Pin
A simple tutorial on how to make a bottle cap into a pin
You will need:
1. A Bottle Cap
2. A Soda Tab
3. A Small Safety Pin
4. Pliers (not shown)
1. A Bottle Cap
2. A Soda Tab
3. A Small Safety Pin
4. Pliers (not shown)
Put the safetypin through the soda tab. This can be a little frustrating, because it doesn't want to happen. I find manoeuvering the pointy side through the tab is easier than trying to pull the hook side through
Using the pliers, bend down the ridged edges of the bottle cap around the soda tab. This is pretty difficult, and as you can see, mine didnt turn out perfectly circular, but I'm happy with it
You're done! put it as is on whatever you'd like, or decorate it