Bubble Machine
With basic electronics of just a fan and a motor, a bubble machine is also a really easy first electronics project. This one I threw together with spare minutes here and there across the period of a week. The longest part was waiting for the centrifugal fan to arrive from Amazon, the best part was making a lot of mess in the Instructables office before realising that the shower would be a better place to blow bubbles while testing.
My bubble machine was made to keep my friends' toddler amused. She loves bubbles but is at an age where blowing them herself is rather hit or miss (not to mention messy). She spent a VERY happy 15 minutes running through and around them in the street outside, afterwhich the adults stepped in to play with heating the bubbles to see if they'd go higher, or experimenting with different bubble mixes to see if any where noticably better.
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Tools & Materials
These are the tools and materials that I used for my bubble machine. Yours will differ greatly depending on what you have available. This is a great project to do with scraps, and odds and ends all hacked together. It doesn't have to look amazing to be a lot of fun, it just has to work.
To make it easier for others to reproduce this, I've done away with my normal format of exactly what to use and instead broken it down into the five main components the machine's made from. The 5 steps after this talk about what alternatives you could use and what each has to do to make a great bubble machine. I then give details on how to assemble it if you did it exactly like mine.
Trough: To hold the bubble solution. It needs to be waterproof and not too shallow, that's it.
Bubble Ring: A ring of holes that will spin slowly through the trough picking up the bubble solution. As it lifts out of the trough the holes pass before a blower to form the bubbles.
Motion: A slowly moving motor to spin the bubble ring. A continuous servo is perfect for this.
Blower: Something with a bit of puff. Will force the bubble liquid out of the holes in the ring, forming BUBBLES! I used this 12V centrifugal server fan from Amazon.
Power: A power source or two for the blower and spinner.
You'll also need nuts, bolts, hot glue or superglue to hold everything together.
The files I used for laser cutting are included in this step.
All that matters is that it'll hold the liquid and you can mount your motor of choice onto it.
Mine was drawn in Alibre Design then the tabs were adding using a beta version of 123d plate which will hopefully soon be available as part of 123d. I then laser cut it in 1/8" acrylic and used super glue to hold it together. To waterproof the joints I ran a line of clear packing tape down the outside. I also included in the design some slots raised above the trough on which to mount my servo. Hot glue would have worked equally well!
Bubble Ring
Mine's cut from 1\8" acrylic with 16 holes around a 6" perimeter. Each hole has slots cut into it so that it'll hold more liquid. There are holes cut in the middle to mount it to a standard servo arm with self tapping screws.
I went for a modified servo, it has a nice slow rotation and requires just two AA batteries. This tutorial by robomaniac shows you how to modify a servo to not require the control signal. You could also use any geared motor from an electronics store or even a standard K'nex or Lego one.
You could also use a hair dryer, heat gun on its cold setting, a small desk fan with a cone on it. I don't recommend reversing a vacuum cleaner, it made a lot of mess in the Instructables office!
What motors you choose to run will determine what battery or adaptor you need.
Photo 1: The servo is bolted to the trough with two M4 machine screws and nuts. The AA battery holder is hot glued to the trough and wires to the servo are soldered and insulated.
Photo 2: The bubble ring is screwed on to the servo with 4 self tapping screws. Note how close to the bottom of the trough the ring must go so that it picks up every last bit of bubble liquid.
Photo 3: A rear view of the ring on the servo.
Photo 4: A centrifugal fan is glued onto the back, pointing at the holes in the ring. Test where it has to point before glueing it, see where you get the best bubbles. I found that with it pointing there the bubbles shot up as well as out. For testing I used a bench top power supply, outside I switched to a 12V cordless drill battery.
A 12V cordless drill battery made a great portable power supply for the bubble machine, they're easily available and easily rechargable and much more convenient than trailing wires from a benchtop supply.
The bubble solution I used was 1/2 dish washing liquid and 1/2 water as I soon ran out of the original bottle of miracle bubbles. This 50:50 mix worked really well, though some people also recommend a spoon full of glycerine thrown in too.
Once whatever kid that the machine was intended for has grown bored and moved over, the adults get to play! It turns out that pre-heating the air with a hair drier or blasting it high speed with a reversed shop vac is a lot of fun, though I'll leave you to find out why.