Button Hair Pin
I have recently acquired a large container of buttons. There are many things that I am learning to use these buttons for and one craft I have always wanted to try is to decorate a hair barrette with buttons. I like having a little extra color and style to my barrette and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to try something out.
Here is what I used to make my button barrette
Metal Barrette - I got a pack of 12 for $0.89
Hot Glue
Attach the Buttons to the Wire
1. I started by cutting out about 6" of wire and folding the wire in half.
2. Next I beaded on the buttons that I wanted on my barrette. I chose to stack 3 buttons on top of each other to create some depth. If you choose to stack buttons be sure to start by stringing the top button on first and then go in decending order
3. After the desired number of buttons are on, twist the bottom of the wire together to hold the buttons. One to two twists worked for me. I didn't want to have to many just so the button would sit flush with the barrette.
Attach to Barrette
1. Take the two ends of the wire and string them through the back of the barrette between the outside and the middle piece of the barrette.
2. Put a dab of hot glue on the back end of the barrette to secure the buttons to the barrette.
NOTE: I added hot glue later in the process and found it a little more difficult to add. Doing it over I would glue at this point instead.
3. I then twisted the wire around the back of the barrette to secure the buttons.
Attach Accent Pieces
At this point I had about 3" of extra wire on either side so I decided to add some button accents.
1. I started by folding about 3/4" at each end of the wire
2. Then I fed the buttons through the wire. I had two buttons on each side so this was a little tricky. I started by feeding though one whole starting with the button that would be at the bottom. Then I fed on the top bead. Then I took the two beads and fed the second hole in the bead through the end of the wire
3. Finally I twisted the wire together so the buttons were secure.
I also added a dab of hot glue on the end of the wire so that the sharp end would not hurt the scalp or get caught in hair when being worn.
After that I had a great accent hair piece that I could wear whenever I wanted.
Enjoy you new barrette!