CAD a D20
CAD Software, I use OnShape as it is free
Inscribed Pentagon
- Make an inscribed pentagon on the "Top" plane
- Make a point of the pentagon be connected to the "Right" plane
- Add your one dimension to say how big the circle is
- Add a construction line from the constrained point down along the "Right" plane
- Make the construction line be equal (same length as) the side of the pentagon
- Add a construction line from the bottom of the pentagon to the outside of the construction circle
Find the Top
- Make a construction circle from the top of the pentagon to the end of the construction line
- Draw a construction line up from the center point of the pentagon to the circle
Find the Center of the Object
- Make a construction circle from the outside of the pentagon's construction circle to the top of the D20
- Make a construction line from the outside of the pentagon's construction circle to the construction circle you just drew
- Force that line to be "vertical"
- Create a construction line from the midpoint of the last line towards the middle of the D20
- Constrain the end of this line to be under the top of the D20
Loft the Pentagon
- Loft the pentagon up to the top point found
- Loft the pentagon down to the bottom point found
Rotate and Mirror the Shape
- Rotate the object 5x evenly around one of the edges on the "bottom" of the shape
- Mirror the object about the face of the shape to fill the resulting hole
Boolean Merge
- Merge together all of the parts to make a single part
You now have a "blank" D20!
Feel free to add numbers to it or whatever else you want!