by uateagomez in Craft > Art

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As Halloween arrives, we wanted to make a device that showed the spirit of trick or treat but turned it into a horrifying experience. Thanks to an LDR, two servomotors and one stepper, we build a system which drops a (fake) knife on your hand once you try to reach the candy, always with a harmless intention, just trying to scare the person. It's Halloween guys, be careful at what you touch!


Electronic Parts, Materials and Tools

Captura de Pantalla 2021-11-04 a les 23.12.02.png
Captura de Pantalla 2021-11-04 a les 23.13.29.png
Captura de Pantalla 2021-11-04 a les 23.13.49.png
Captura de Pantalla 2021-11-04 a les 23.14.15.png

Electrical components:

1 830 Tie-Points Breadboard

1 Mega 2560 controller board

1 Stepper motor

1 ULN2003 Stepper motor driver module

2 10Kg servo motors

1 Photoresistor

Breadboard Jumper wire

Female-to-male Dupont wire

Materials used:

1 Plastic knife

1 fishing line

2 3D printed pulleys

1 3D printed support for the stepper motor

1 3D printed pulley for the stepper motor

1 A3 3mm thick foam board

1 50X90X4 shaped wood

1 6mm in diameter wood road

4 zip ties

1 roll of tape

Schematic of Electrical Connections

MicrosoftTeams-image (7).png

Code & Flow Diagram

Sin título 200.png

How to Build the Project?

1. The first thing that we have to do is cut the shaped wood and the foam board in the shape that we desire using a laser cutter.

2. Then we will assemble the structure using the sockets that the pieces already have.

3. When the structure is all assembled we are going to drill two holes in the base of the tombstone so we can assemble the axis that is going to hold the knife.

4. Once the knife is in place we are going to place the two pulleys using two zip ties for each. Both of them are going to be placed in the interior of the backplate of the tombstone. One of them is going to be placed in the top part of the knife and the other one on the bottom of it.

5. For this step we will tie a knot on the top of the knife using the fishing line and we will run the line through the 2 pulleys thill we reach the bottom of the tombstone.

6. The fishing line will have to be attached to the stepper motor using some tape.

7. Next we will connect the servo motors to the tombstone dors using some wire.

8. The last step is to place the controller board in the interior of the grave and connect all the wires in their place


Thanks to this project we had the opportunity to get the much-needed experience working whit controller boards. We feel that this experience will have a great effect on us in the next phase of our studies. We could say it was a first approach to devices with electrical components, and we expect that this knowledge we got from this project will help us in the near future when we work with more complex electrical systems that work with different types of sensors and components.

During the construction of the final design, we learned that even if you have everything planned there are always going to be inconveniences during the build process. Although we found many drawbacks we worked our way through them and learned some valuable information in the process.