This is a CNC to the scale of the room, and has a robotic arm to assist with your daily tasks. The clamps are of soft robotic material, providing a firm grip but not too strong that it damages delicate items in your room. Several arms can be installed. It's high quality and high degree of freedom arm would allow wide range of movements, and can hold your wine glass, a book that your are reading or even flip the pages for you. It could Also be used to drag huge furniture like your desk and use it at an angle that you find comfortable with. With it's Cartesian mode, it has high precision due to smooth movement along the rail. The rubber rollers on the rail absorbs vibration, since it wouldn't rotate as fast as a motor or car engine, vibration absorption is a much more suitable choice than vibration isolation. The user would have an experience of inside a huge 3d printer and can manipulate objects in the room at ease.