by csabogal in Workshop > 3D Printing

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food from digital space to real space.

In this instructable I am exploring the production of food as an art form and how the process from a digital point might influence the experience of eating,.

Step1: Define Parameters


Sketch/draw what you want your food (flan) to look like, How do you want it to react to other additives like liquids or garnishes and what texture or form you would like it to have.

These parameters will redefine how you eat and how you see food. In this instructable I wanted to explore a gradient meaning going from a very soft consistency to a very rough and crispy. Also I wanted to see the smallest details on the food (flan)

Step 2: Digital Model

digital model.PNG

Use some sort of 3d modeling software that you can export to 3d-print. Conceptualize your ideas into a 3d environment.

In this case I use Rhino and Grasshopper 3d. A 3d modeling software and a parametric plug-in. Then I export the file as OBJ or STL which are both mesh formats that most 3d printers use.

Using this model:

Step1 Buy and download Rhino

Step2 Download grasshopper 3d (free ;))

Step3 Open Rhino and type grasshopper

Step4 Drag the file

Step5 You can edit and change the existing parameters and when you are done right click in the last component and bake.


Step 3: 3d Print


After you export the OBJ/STL file. Open makerbot desktop and add the file. Here you can resize if you need to. Then under settings leave default and print/export to SD Card. Then get ready your 3d printer and insert the SD card to print

Step 4: Mold Making


Materials: Ruler, Pencil/marker, x-acto knife, hot glue gun, measuring cups for silicone mixing, mixing sticks, cutting mat, 3d printed form, and foam board.

Description: The 3d printed part needs to be enclosed into a container that can be taken apart after the silicone cures. You can use many different materials to make the container. In this case I used foam board since is cheap and easy to remove. You can also make a container that you can reuse made out of plywood or 3d printed parts as well. In this case the form of the container is a simple box with no top.


First: glue down the flat side of the 3d printed part into a piece of foam board that is a bit bigger than boundaries of it. 3/16" of the boundary is a reasonable distance.

Second: build a boundary/ walls around the perimeter by gluing them with how glue. The size should be 1/8" higher than the highest point on the 3d printed form so that when you pour the silicone the the 3d printed form gets covered.

Third: Mix and pour the silicone and wait for it to cure for use. This might vary.

The mold is made out a food graded silicone that can be used in baking. Most silicone you can find at specialty stores for mold making. Please make sure the mold is food graded and that can be used for baking.

Silicone usually come in two separate liquids that you have to mix so that it hardens into the form you desired. Most brands out there have one part A and one part B as the mixing ratio. The one used is one to a tenth so the mixing ratio will probably change for the one you get.

Step 5: Cooking

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Qty: 3 Servings

Ingredients: half a can of condense milk, half a can of evaporated milk, a teaspoon of vanilla, 3 egg yolks, 3 table spoon of sugar, 1/4 cup of water, and a gelatin package.

Heat the oven at 350

Mix together the egg yolks, condense milk, and evaporated milk. In the meantime melt the sugar; boiled water and pour the gelatin and dissolve.

Mix the gelatin dissolved in water into the mix

Pour the melted sugar on the mold covering 50%of it.

fill the mold with with the mix and bake for 30 minutes.

enjoy :)