Canes and Staves
How to make a Cane or "Staff".
You'll need:
1) 2 Cheap paint brushes
2) Wood stain / finish ( I used English Chest nut 233)
3) Clear gloss polyurethane
4) sharp pocket knife (needed to get the bark off the stick)
5) A stick, or a piece of wood of your choosing
6) Sand paper (I used 80 and 180 grit)
7) Paper towels
-Pick out a piece of wood, we were clearing out saplings for our dog pin so thats what I used.
-Shave off the bark, if its a older piece of wood it will be a little harder to get the bark off also if you used a sapling like I did it will need to sit out in the sun for a couple of days until it dries up a little so it will soak up the stain.
Sand It
Start sanding, sand to your hearts content!
-you will want to sand with a rough grit first to even everything out, then a softer grit to make it smooth.
Stain It
Begin staining!
-I used a paper towel and a small fine paint brush to brush the stain on.
-you can put as many layers as you please until you get the shade you want.
-After you have the perfect shade, use the cheap paint brush and begin adding a decent layer of polyurethane.
-Later if you love how it came out you can just leave it be. I like the thick layer of protection and the extra gloss so I go back and I'll sand it and put on another layer (I usually do about three layers).