Canvas "Pocket Book" Shelf
Around my house summer means kicking back with a good book. My 3 year old granddaughter loves books, but her bookshelf was a mess...books stacked and falling over and she could never find the one she wanted. So I took the bookcase out of her room and made a “Pocket Book” shelf that hangs on the wall. She can see the covers, books are easy to take out and easy to put back and it looks great in her room! It turned out so well I have been “commissioned” to make one for my niece’s daughter.
This project takes minimal carpentry and sewing skills.
4 pieces 1x4 pine
2 1/2 yds canvas or other heavy fabric
5 dowels—3/8' or 1/2”dia
wood screws - #6 x1 1/4”
wood screws -#8 x 2 1/2”
wood glue
sewing machine
scissors or rotary cutter
drill bits
stud finder
This project takes minimal carpentry and sewing skills.
4 pieces 1x4 pine
2 1/2 yds canvas or other heavy fabric
5 dowels—3/8' or 1/2”dia
wood screws - #6 x1 1/4”
wood screws -#8 x 2 1/2”
wood glue
sewing machine
scissors or rotary cutter
drill bits
stud finder
Making the Frame
Cut the 1x4 into 4 pieces...2 sides and 2 cross pieces. Mine is 33” wide x 33” long. I had a specific space in mind for hanging the bookshelf, so my dimensions match that. You can adjust the size to make your shelf taller or wider to accommodate more pockets...use your "Instructables" creativity And it doesn’t have to be square. That’s jut how mine worked out.
Place the pieces on a flat surface and check for square. I set my cross pieces down a couple of inches from the top and up from the bottom so they don’t show. Mark on the sides where the cross pieces go and where you will pre-drill the screw holes.
Place the pieces on a flat surface and check for square. I set my cross pieces down a couple of inches from the top and up from the bottom so they don’t show. Mark on the sides where the cross pieces go and where you will pre-drill the screw holes.
Marking Dowel Placement
Next I decided where to place the dowels. They need to be about 6-7 inches apart and on a diagonal line along the side to allow space for books to fit in. I marked the line in masking tape and placed colored dots where I wanted the dowels. 'X' marks where I will drill. I clamped the 2 side boards together and drilled through both boards at once so the holes would line up perfectly. The hole marked furthest down on the side board will be the TOP of the shelf.
Assembling the Frame
To assemble the frame I like the “glue and screw” method. Drill the holes slightly smaller than the diameter of the screw. (Thjis helps prevent splitting the wood.) I used 3 screws in each cross piece. Apply wood glue to the raw end of the cross pieces and insert screws. Do NOT screw dowels to frame yet. (That was the voice of experience!) Cover screw head with wood filler, sand the entire piece and put 2 coats of polyurethane on it. (Or paint yours to match the room.)
Measuring the Fabric
Since my shelf is 33” wide I cut the canvas to 34” allowing 1 inch on each side for turning under and hemming and a half inch clearance from the side frame. I cut the length to 90". (I may adjust this after I've laid out all the dowel sleeves.)
I wanted each of the pockets to be 6-7” deep to hold some of her bigger picture books. Each dowel sleeve takes 4” of fabric. The first and last sleeves take an extra inch for hemming. The math would look something like this: 1 + 1 (inches for top & bottom hemming) + 6 1/2 (inches between pockets) x 4 (the # of pockets) + 13 (the length of a 6 1/2" pocket folded) x 4 (the # of pockets) + 4 (inches for each sleeve) x 5 (the # of sleeves) = 88"
I wanted each of the pockets to be 6-7” deep to hold some of her bigger picture books. Each dowel sleeve takes 4” of fabric. The first and last sleeves take an extra inch for hemming. The math would look something like this: 1 + 1 (inches for top & bottom hemming) + 6 1/2 (inches between pockets) x 4 (the # of pockets) + 13 (the length of a 6 1/2" pocket folded) x 4 (the # of pockets) + 4 (inches for each sleeve) x 5 (the # of sleeves) = 88"
Hem the Sides
Long Sides: On the back side of the fabric, fold under 1/2” of fabric, iron, then fold over 1/2” again and iron. Sew along the edge to create a hem. Repeat for the other long edge of the fabric. Double check your overall width (32" for mine) after you iron, but before you sew the second side.
Top Dowel Sleeve
Top Sleeve: The top dowel is going here. Iron under 1/2” of fabric then fold under another 2” and iron.
Sewing the Top Dowel Sleeve
Sew 1/4” from the edge all along the top.
Measure Out the Rest of the Dowel Sleeves
Measure down from the top edge the distance you are putting between dowels (for mine, it’s 6 1/2”). Mark it on the fabric (I use plain old white school chalk. It wipes off later with a damp cloth.) From this mark measure down TWICE the depth you want the pocket and mark again.( My pockets will be 6 1/2 “ deep so I measure down 13”). Now measure down 4” from this and mark again. This is your next dowel sleeve. Match up the last 2 chalk marks, pin, and sew across the fabric making another sleeve.
Repeat this step for each of the dowel sleeves. I’m using 5 dowels, so I’ll sew 4 more sleeves.
Repeat this step for each of the dowel sleeves. I’m using 5 dowels, so I’ll sew 4 more sleeves.
Finished Sleeves
When you have all the sleeves sewn, the fabric should look something like this.
...and With the Dowels Inserted
Assembling the Dowels and Frame
Now cut the dowels one at a time to fit into the frame. Pre-drill the end and slide the dowel into fabric “sleeve”. Screw into place. Repeat this step for each dowel. Photo shows my frame with the top 2 dowels in.
Fill 'er Up!
Time to hang it on the wall. Since the shelf is 33” wide it will span 2 studs. Mark where the studs are. I used 2 screws in the top and bottom crosspiece. Pre drill the holes in the shelf. Attach to the wall using 2 1/2” wood screws.
Fill with good books, pour some lemonade, and find a hammock in a shady spot to share a story with your best friend.
Fill with good books, pour some lemonade, and find a hammock in a shady spot to share a story with your best friend.