Caramelised Nuts
This is a fairly quick and easy thing to do and is worth the effort.
Youll need some nuts of your choice, a cup of water, enough to cover the nuts, and some sugar which you will need a fair amount of as thats the important bit. It is worth mentioning i didnt measure any of this out as its just a quick thing to do.
Add the sugar and water to the nuts and stir together.
Pour in enough water to cover the nuts as the sugar will absorb most of it. Then put them on a medium/high heat. I also put a bit of cinnamon in.
Pour in enough water to cover the nuts as the sugar will absorb most of it. Then put them on a medium/high heat. I also put a bit of cinnamon in.
When the water has evaporated and your left with a bubbling syrup, continue stirring and the sugar mix will turn into a crumbly consistency then pour the nuts on to a baking tray to cool.
Leave them on a baking tray to cool or nibble them while they are still warm.
Enjoy these nice little snacks and keep them stored in an air tight container.