Cardboad Computer Desk
The idea behind building this cardboard setup is taken from our current setup.this is my dream setup.this setup is completely made up from scrap material.i have spent only 8$ making this cardboard setup & which are of glue stick,tape & photo printing.Total Lenght & breadth of this setup is 1 meter X 1 meter .i want to change & modify my current setup to can see my current setup that is already updoaded to Instructable.
Tools & Material Used
Tool i used are
1. Glue gun
2. Set square
3. Canon photo printer
4. Scale
5. Marker & Pencil
6. Glue
7. cutter
8. Tape (Masking,Cello & brown)
Material Used
1. Thermocoal
2. Cardboard
3. Paper
4. Silver foil
Basic Building
I did not take any pic while making i have only taken pic while assembling so sorry for that next time i will take pic step by step & make video setup by step.i am working on improving these skill.