Cardboard Camping Furnace
In this Instructable i show you how to make a simple cardboard camping furnace with materials what you can find easy
-Old Newspaper
-Some paper
-Balloon (optional)
-Ceramic or aluminium recipient
-30 Minutes
Bend the Cardboard
The first step is easy you only need to bend the cardboard like the photo
Coil the Paper
Now, coil the paper like a tube as tight as you can.
Join Up the First and the Second Step
Put together the cardboard and the paper like a swirl
Put It In
Put the third into the ceramic or aluminiun recipient
Prepare the Candle Wax
If you are under 16, have adult supervision
Cut the wax in small pieces ,then melt it.
Pour It Up
Pour the wax in to the the cardboard creation slowly .
PD:When te wax touch the cardboard it boil.
Wait for the wax to solidify, it's around an hour and a half.
Test It
That step is the best !
The flame can reach up to 10 centimeters
If yo make it show to the instructable comunity
Don't Stain Nothing
Cut a balloon and cover the diy furnace