Cardboard Crossbow
During a weekend, I had an awesome idea for a Halloween costume. It was a hunter dude that ran around stealing everyones candy. I had no idea how to make this costume, let alone finish it on time. I had ideas about hidden smoke bombs, and pen grappling hooks. When I sat down, I realized that all I had was cardboard, so I decided to make this cheap, yet powerful, cardboard crossbow.
Tools and Materials
I hope you have all of this stuff:
- scrap cardboard
- thick rubber band, somewhat short, but not to long.
- a bit of straw
- pen or pencil, for making marks
- scissors
- a hot glue gun
- hot glue stick
Plug in Hot Glue Gun
I didn't do this right away, so I had to wait a couple minutes.
Drawing and Cutting
Draw a somewhat looking crossbow on the cardboard, then cut it out. Mine was a bit long, so I had to trim.
Cutting, Part 2
Next, take some of that left over cardboard, and make it kinda short and pointy.
Take the pointy thing, this will be the handle, and glue it on the bottom side of the crossbow thingy.
The Straw
Now, we cut the straw in half (mine was scrap, so you may have to make it small first).
Glue the Straw
Take one piece of the straw, and glue it on the top side, like so. Take the other one and glue it across from the other one.
Rubber Band
Take the rubber band and rap it around the handle, and put it so its above the straw.
Glue a piece of cardboard like so, then glue another piece of cardboard on top of that cardboard, so theres a notch around the rubber band.
To launch, put something in between the straw, draw back the rubber band and let go. Yay! You did it. If you don't get something, please tell me, I well try to help you. Thank you for making this Instructable, it helps me, somehow.