Cat Petter
The Cat Petter is a great toy that can provide your cat with comfort even when you are not home. This toy is automated to ensure that there is no need for human interaction. Once the cat is underneath the machine, it will use sensors to detect its presence, and it will begin moving a motor with a modeled hand connected to it. The hand is used to pet the cat. We will use Arduino to program the software.
Parts used to construct this toy:
- Box
- beadboard
- Arduino Uno board
- Ultrasonic Sensor
- Printer Cable and Connectors
- 1 small Positional Servo (for the arm)
- 2 larger Continuous Servos (for the wheels)
- Short Rod
- Arm used to scratch kitten
- 4 wheels
Making the Frame
For the box you can use either wood or Cardboard. As long as you know that it can sustain itself under the weight.
The Box must be cut so that it has a roof and two sides. The bottom and two sides are to be cut out. The sides that are cut out will serve as the entrance and exit for the cat.
Electronic Parts
Now that the frame is ready we must assemble the electronic parts onto the box.
The ultrasonic sensor is to go on the inside if the box. It must be attached on the side close to the middle.
The positional servo must be attached on the inside corner of the box between the roof and a wall. It must be facing the opposite side.
The two continuous servos can now be attached to either back side of the box, by cutting out a piece of square and gluing them on.
Hardware Parts
We can add the rest of the Hardware in there, now that the electronics are attached.
We must first attach a small rod to the positional servo in the box.
On this rod we must attach the arm that will move to scratch the cat. In the picture, the arm is made with popsicle sticks, but it will be replaced by a plastic arm.
We can also now attach the last two wheels to the other end of the box allowing the box to now move.
Arduino and Circuit
On top of the box the breadboard and arduino must be attached. Now we must attach the electronics to the right pins in the arduino.
The pins of the ultrasonic sensor connect to 5V, pin 9, pin 10, and GND.
The pins of the positional servo connect to 5V, pin 14, and GND.
The pins of the continuous servo connects to 5V, pin 11, and GND. The second continuous servo connects to 5V, pin 12, and GND.
Programming the Arduino
Now we must program the Arduino to be able to operate the electronic parts accordingly.
You can find the file for the code below: